Alpha Phi Delta Foundation

Chapter Histories - Epsilon Chapter

Epsilon Chapter in General

Epsilon Chapter is Founded: 1921

On March 1, 1921, our Epsilon Chapter was installed at University of Buffalo (later, the State University of New York at Buffalo) in Buffalo, New York. At the time it was the western most Chapter in the Fraternity. After a modest start, by 1923, the Epsilon Chapter was undoubtedly the largest chapter in Alpha Phi Delta. This photo from 1923 shows a large portion of the 30-plus members of Epsilon Chapter. The Chapter remained active from 1921 through 1968, when New York State's Board of Regents put in place a policy (later defeated in court), that stated that no national fraternities were allowed on New York State campuses. All national fraternity members had to leave their fraternity or shut down their chapter. Epsilon Chapter closed in 1968.

Epsilon Chapter in 1952

Pictured (left to right) front row: F. A. Saiia, A. Pellerite, V. J. Muffoletlo, C. J. Carbonaro, E. Masci;  back row: B. Arnone, J. J. Militello, T. J. Alessi, C. J. Monlante, M. J. Cieri, J. P. lacovelli, J. L. Visone.

After World War II Epsilon Chapter bounced back and, while not as large in size as it was in the 1920s-1930s, it maintained a healthy roster through the time of its closure in 1968. Pictured above is our Epsilon Chapter at the University of Buffalo in 1952. In this photo for the University's yearbook, a 12-man Epsilon Chapter is pictured. What is of historical note in this photo is the brother who is seated front-row-center: Vincent Muffoletto. Muffoletto would go on to become a future National President of the Fraternity (1968-70). In this photo, Muffoletto is seated at center because was  serving his Chapter as Consul (i.e., Chapter President).

According the a report in the yearbook, the 1951-52 school year saw Epsilon as a force on campus. That school year the Chapter held,  its Annual February Sweetheart Dance and Buffet Supper, its 30th Spring Alumni Dance (held at the Hotel Statler)  and an orphans Christmas party held at the a local Catholic Orphanage. At the orphan Christmas Party, Vincent Mulfoletto dressed  as Santa Claus and (aided by other brothers) presented gifts to the children. Additionally, the Chapter held a Monte Carlo Night, which was a social event for parents and families of the Chapter's brothers.

Epsilon Chapter - Individuals

Epsilon Brothers Tackle Racism on the Field in 1958

Epsilon Chapter Brothers (Joe Oliverio, Nate Belissio,  Lou Reale, and Ray Paolini) who played on the 1958 University of Buffalo football team were profiled on ESPN’s Outside the Lines program in 2008, for their role in battling racism in sports.

In that year, the team had won the Lambert Cup, which led the team to its first bowl invitation: the Tangerine Bowl, where they would compete against Florida State University. The Orlando (Florida) Elks Lodge which was the sponsor of the bowl game told the University of Buffalo that its team would only be allowed to compete at Tangerine Bowl if the team's two black players did not play. The stadium operators went along and refused to rescind the rule against integrated sporting events. The Buffalo football team members took a stand: they stood behind their two black fellow players. They unanimously refused the bowl offer.  

After denying the bowl invite on principal, the University of Buffalo football team would not make it to a bowl game for another 50 years. 

For more details on this story, click here.

Felix Infausto, Esq.

Epsilon '29

The late Felix Infausto, '29, a very successful attorney endowed an Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship and was one of the first members of the Foundation's Century Society.

Felix was born in 1909 in Jacobs, Pa. Despite losing both hands in an industrial accident as a teenager, he graduated with honors from high school and won a scholarship to the University of Buffalo, where, after becoming a brother of Alpha Phi Delta's Epsilon Chapter in 1929, he received both his undergraduate and law degrees. He had a long and varied career in law. After 11 years in private practice, he was appointed Assistant Attorney General of the state of New York, and later, legal adviser to the State Department of Social Services for 32 years. He later returned to private practice, specializing in private matters. He authored “Interstate Enforcement of Family Support”, which is the authoritative reference in its field. He helped pioneer much important social legislation regarding adoption, child support, and child welfare. He was honored for his work by the Queen of England at Buckingham Palace in 1971. The Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support Association presents an annual Felix Infausto Award for leadership in the field. As a tribute, his widow Clara endowed the Felix Infausto Scholarship at the University of Buffalo providing support to students with disabilities, the Felix Infausto Memorial Annual Scholarship at Wilkes University and endowed the Felix Infausto Scholarship with the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. Felix passed away in 1992.

Samuel Varco

Epsilon '21

Samuel Varco, M.D., was born in Buffalo, New York, July 23, 1900. He served as Army Field Clerk in World War I He went on to earn a B.S. in Medicine in 1921, while being a founding member of our Epsilon Chapter. He earned a Doctorate in 1923, also at the University of Buffalo. Dr. Varco had always taken an active part in performing services for his profession, community, university and fraternity. 

In Alpha Phi Delta, he served in chapter, alumni club and district offices. His service culminated with his election as the 19th Grand Consul (National President) -- he served 1948-50. His activities on behalf of the Fraternity continued for many years. 

In his professional capacity, he served as a member of many medical societies. He developed and was issued patents on a pelvic traction device and ganglion reducer. He was the author of many articles published in medical journals. He served as a medical associate member of the Cancer Legislative Study Commission of New York State (1931-38). 

Dr. and Mrs. Varco were consistent Fraternity Convention attendees for many years. In honor of their many years of devotion to Alpha Phi Delta, several of the “old-timers” surprised them with a “wedding ceremony” at the 1964 National Convention to commemorate their 40th wedding anniversary. Brother Vardo passed away in 1973. 

Vincent J. Muffoletto

Epsilon '46

Vincent J. Muffoletto was initiated into Epsilon Chapter  (University of Buffalo) in 1946, Vincent served as Chapter President, Treasurer of the Interfraternity Council at Buffalo and as a delegate to the National Interfraternity Council in 1950. As an alumnus he served as President of the Buffalo Alumni Club, 1961-1962, was a prime-mover in organizing the Buffalo Alumni Convention Club, and was a member of the National Housing Corporation of Alpha Phi Delta for several years.  His highest achivement in the Fraternity was his election as National President in 1968 (after having serviced as National Vice President from 1966-68). He was the 29th National President of Alpha Phi Delta serving from 1968-70.

In 1966 he represented Alpha Phi Delta in the fight against the New York State University System’s abolishment of fraternities on the Buffalo campus.

Brother Muffoletto enlisted in the Army during World War II serving in the Army Air Corps; he attained the rank of sergeant. He was shot down during a bombing mission over the North Sea in April 1944, rescued by a German fisherman, and turned over to military authorities. He was taken as a prison of war — narrowly escaping being executed as a spy — held in Stalag 17-B ( liberated in June 1945). After the war Brother Muffoletto, enrolled at University of Buffalo, while working two job -- initially attending college part time. 

After graduation, Vincent became a certified public accountant and formed the firm of Muffoletto & Kuehn in Buffalo. He and his wife Theresa had four children. The oldest of them, James, followed in his father’s footsteps both by attending University of Buffalo and by becoming a brother in Alpha Phi Delta. Brother Muffoletto passed away on September 19, 2016.