Our Governance
The Governance of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity
The National Council as assembled in 2023
The National Council
THE NATIONAL COUNCIL. The National Fraternity’s structure and government is a complex one; it exists simultaneously on a National and a District level. The Fraternity’s authority and realm is bound up in the National Council (formerly called the Grand Council), and administrated on a day to day basis by the National President (elected by the Council) and his officers. On the District level, the District Governor supervises and administers his District and its entities.
A PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM. The National Fraternity operates on the basis of a Parliamentary system. The governing body of the Fraternity is the National Council; this Council is the supreme Executive, Legislative and Judicial body of the Fraternity. All decision made by the National Council are final and not subject to review.
CHAIRMAN. The National Council, when in session, is chaired by the National President of the Fraternity. He is the officer that selects the date, time and locale of the annual meeting or of any special meeting of the Council; likewise he sets the agenda.
DUTIES AND POWERS. The National Council has the following among its regular duties: it approves the annual budget of the Fraternity; charters new entities; takes disciplinary action as needed; amends the Constitution and Bylaws; receives and acts upon Committee reports; adopts, as needed, changes to the Ritual; elects the National President and National Vice President; confirms all Constitutional Officers appointed by the National President; works through its Committee system; ratifies minutes of its meetings; closes entities; et al.
COMPOSITION. The National Council is composed as follows:
National Officers and District Governors
two (2) delegates from each Chapter
two (2) delegates from each Alumni Club,
one (1) delegate from each Alumni Association.
Note: Only the National Vice President, the Vice President for Alumni Affairs, the Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs and District Governors vote on the National Council. The President votes to break a tie or change the outcome of a vote.
The Executive Committee of the National Council
ABOUT OUR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Of the many Committees of the National Council, the most powerful is the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is composed of the District Governors and the National Officers; it usually meets at the National Convention, as well as before the Annual Meeting of the National Council. If needed, the Executive Committee may meet any other time during the year. With the exception of few Constitutional prohibitions, the Executive Committee may act in place of the National Council when the Council is not in session. The President is chairman of the Executive Committee.
THE VOTING MEMBERSHIP OF OUR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The National Vice President, V.P. for Undergraduate Affairs, V.P. for Alumni Affairs and the District Governors vote on the Executive Committee (the National President only votes to break a tie or change the outcome of a vote).
The Officers of the Fraternity
THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT. The National President leads the national fraternity. He presides at meetings of (and carries out decisions of) the National Council. He is Executive Committee Chairman.
NOTE: Aside from a few days a year when the National Council or Executive Committee is in session, the National President presides over the fraternity. In cooperation with the National Officers, he may take any action necessary to run the fraternity, except action which the Constitution specifically reserves for the National Council or Executive Committee (e.g., the president does not have the power to issue charters to new Chapters without Executive Committee or National Council approval). In terms of discipline the National President has the power to place on probation any member or entity with the consent of the Executive Committee. Likewise, he may remove any officer for cause. The National President must stand for election annually. While the Bylaws of our the Fraternity allow as many as four terms of office, by tradition, National Presidents have served only two terms of office. It should be noted that there have been exception to that practice, from time to time.
THE NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT. The National Vice President assumes the duties and powers of the National President in his absence. He carries out duties delegated to him by the President.
THE NATIONAL SECRETARY. The National Secretary corresponds with the officers and entities; distributes membership materials; coordinates fraternity merchandising;. writes and circulates The Chapter Letter; receives award nominations; maintains and distributes minutes of national meetings; oversees the preparation of directories. With the National Secretary, he forms Central Office.
THE NATIONAL TREASURER. The National Treasurer directs the financial activities of the National Fraternity. He is responsible for collecting monies due. He is in charge of all disbursements. Together with the National Secretary he forms Central Office.
THE NATIONAL HISTORIAN. The National Historian is designated to document major events for historical purposes. He provides historical updates to the Chapter Letter and maintains a list of all items of historical value to the Fraternity.
THE NATIONAL CHAPLAIN. The National Chaplain is the spiritual leader of the fraternity. He chairs the Ritual Committee and conducts the Annual Memorial Service for our deceased brothers.
THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRS. The Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs is to be an undergraduate. He is elected annually by members of the Undergraduate Coordinating Committee (one representative from each Chapter appointed by the Chapter President, plus one representative from each District appointed by the District Governor). He carries out duties relating to undergraduates.
THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ALUMNI AFFAIRS. The Vice President for Alumni Affairs conducts programs to organize alumni. Assists the District Governors in alumni matters. He is elected annually by the members of the Alumni Coordinating Committee (one representative from each Alumni Club and Alumni Association).
THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR EXPANSION. The Vice President for Expansion is responsible for the establishment or reactivation of entities. He is the Chairman of the Expansion Committee.
THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR MEMBER EDUCATION. The Vice President for Member Education is responsible for overseeing and preparing education materials and programs.
THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS. The Vice President for Public Relations coordinates the publication of newsworthy fraternity items for local media.
THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR CULTURAL AFFAIRS. The Vice President for Cultural Affairs directs the cultural activities of the national fraternity; he organizes a cultural program of the Fraternity.
THE KLEOS EDITOR. The Kleos Editor oversees the regular publication of The Kleos.
THE DISTRICT GOVERNORS. The District Governors are National Officers elected within their own District. They preside at and approve members for initiation, oversee expansion in their District, chair District meetings and Conventions, and carry out other duties specified by the Constitution.
Who's Elected and Who's Appointed?
The National President and National Vice President are elected annually by the National Council and can only serve four consecutive years.
The Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs is elected by the Undergraduate Chapter delegates during the Annual Meeting of the National Council.
The Vice President for Alumni Affairs is elected by Alumni Club and Association delegates during the Annual Meeting of the National Council.
The District Governors are elected by the delegates from Chapters and Alumni Clubs at the local District Convention in the Spring.
APPOINTED OFFICERS. The National President appoints all other National Officers except those noted above. The appointment of Constitutional Officers (i.e., the several Vice Presidents, National Secretary, Kleos Editor, and National Chaplain) must occur annually and be ratified by the National Council. Committee Chairmen and members, or extra-Constitutional Officers are simply appointed by the President, who may or may not seek advice and consent on those appointments.
VACANCIES. National Officer posts that vacant can be filled by appointment of the National President (with special stipulations attaching to the replacement of the National Vice President). Vacancies that are caused by the National President (e.g., removals) require the appointed replacement to be ratified by the Executive Committee. Vacancies not caused by the National President (e.g., someone resigns, someone is elected to a new position, etc.) do not require the appointed replacement to need or seek ratification.