Our Past National Presidents
Our Past National Presidents
Note: From 1914-1952 National Presidents were titled as Grand Consul, since 1952 the title National President has been used.
Salvatore LaCorte
1st Grand Consul (1916-1919)
(sole Sigma Gamma Phi member to be President)
Salvatore F. LaCorte, one of the four founders of Beta Chapter and first Grand Consul of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, graduated from Columbia University in 1914 and from its law school two years later. During the first World War, he headed the Italian Inter-Collegiate Club which worked in behalf of Liberty Loan campaigns in Union County, New Jersey. After the war, he assisted the Italian government in floating a loan in the United States. For his work he was honored as a “Cavaliere of His Majesty, Order of the Crown of Italy.” Under appointment by President Woodrow Wilson, he also served as a member of the Italian-American Board to combat enemy propaganda. He was later appointed to a judgeship. For the remainder of his life he maintained an active interest in Italian-American affairs. Brother LaCorte, after a long illness, passed away on November 27, 1945 at his home in Elizabeth, New Jersey where he was born and where he had maintained law offices during his professional life.
Paul J. Salvatore
2nd Grand Consul (1919-1921)
would also serve as 11th Grand Consul (1931-1933)
(sole President to serve non-consecutive terms)
Dr. Paul J. Salvatore, like Grover Cleveland, holds the distinction of being elected twice to the Grand Consulship for nonconsecutive terms. He was Alpha Phi Delta’s second Grand Consul (1919-1921) and its eleventh (1931- 1933). As APD’s second Grand Consul, Dr. Salvatore regrouped the young Fraternity which had just managed to weather the first World War. His administration installed Delta Chapter at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (1920) and laid the groundwork for a truly National Fraternity. As its eleventh grand consul, he served to consolidate the Fraternity during the early depression years. Born in 1895, Dr. Salvatore received an A.B. cum laude from Columbia University in 1915 where he was inducted into Beta Chapter, and a Ph.D. degree in 1935. He served successively as instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor of Romance languages at Stevens Institute of Technology from 1916 to 1928. From 1928 to 1932 he was supervisor of Romance languages at Townsend Harris Hall High School, New York. He joined the faculty of Brooklyn College in 1932 and headed the Romance Language Department there from 1938 to 1947. After an illness of several months, Dr. Paul J. Salvatore died on October 18, 1960, a week short of his 65th birthday.
Hon. Robert V. Santangelo
3rd Grand Consul (1921-1922)
Robert V. Santangelo was a member of a famous political family in New York City. (His brother Alfred served in the New York State legislature and the U.S. House of Representatives for several years.) A World War I veteran and a law graduate of Columbia University, he was initiated into Beta Chapter and was elected Grand Consul in 1921. In 1921, he was selected as one of 32 students of Italian extraction from colleges and universities to visit and tour Italy under a cultural program sponsored by the Bank of America and the Italian government. A prominent lawyer in New York City for many years, he held the position of New York State Grand Orator under Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia’s administration and was Assistant District Attorney for New York County from 1924 to 1937. In 1951, he was appointed by Mayor Vincent lmpellitieri to fill out a one-year term as Municipal Court Justice, First District, New York. In 1959, he was elevated and elected a Justice of the City Court of the City of New York for a ten-year term. During his term of office he received several designations by the Appellate Division of the State of New York as an acting Justice of the Supreme Court in New York City. He retired from his judicial position in 1967. He and his wife Juliette attended almost every convention since his initiation. His appearance was always a time for rejoicing; his anecdotes about life on the lower east side of New York City, cradle of many great men, had provided many an amusing hour, long cherished by both alumni and undergraduates. He attended the summer conventions into the 1980s. On his last appearance in August 1982, at the Stevensville Hotel in Kerhonksen, New York, he addressed the National Council in a booming voice on his love for Alpha Phi Delta and the importance of being active. He was also privileged to witness the induction of his son, Robert, Jr., into the Fraternity as a graduate member. He died April 4, 1984 at age 83.
Joseph Guzzetto
Beta Chapter
4th Grand Consul (1922-1923)
Joseph Guzzetto was the fourth of four consecutive Beta men elected as Grand Consuls as Beta continued to be the dominant chapter in the early days of the Fraternity providing leadership to the fledgling Fraternity. During the one year of Guzzetto’s leadership, four new chapters were installed. Prior to his term in office, expansion had been concentrated to the New York State. Guzzetto opened new territory by opening the doors to “The West.” Under his administration, chapters were started at Western Reserve University (Kappa) in Cleveland, University of Pennsylvania (Lambda), Cornell University (Mu) and the University of Pittsburgh (Nu). Little personal information is known about Brother Guzzetto.
Joseph V. Petrelli, Jr.
Theta Chapter
5th Grand Consul (1923-1924)
Joseph V. Petrelli, Jr., was born in New Haven, Connecticut, December 29, 1900. He studied mechanical engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and followed this up by obtaining a law degree at New York University. While attending the latter he became one of the original nine charter members of Theta Chapter (installed 1921) and served in various chapter offices. At the 1922 National Convention, he was elected Grand Tribune under Grand Consul Joseph Guzzetto. With him, he consummated the first contract with Balfour, the Fraternity’s official jeweler, and approved the first designs and printing for official membership certificates. Elected Grand Consul the following year, he rented the first Central Office, located at 57 Chambers Street in New York City with Corresponding Secretary Ralph DiNaples. His administration was also the first to invoke penalties against delinquent chapters. Petrelli’s administration also established the Fraternity’s foothold in “The West,” no mean task in 1923 when the basic mode of transportation was chiefly railroad. Thus, three separate excursions to Alpha Phi Delta’s western frontiers (which then extended to Michigan) represented something more than a similar task today. The initiation of Xi, Omicron, and Pi Chapters, along with the already existing Kappa chapter, served to strengthen the Fraternity’s position in this area. Brother Petrelli worked in insurance legal liability claims. He passed away in 1981.
Louis J. Rinaldi
Iota Chapter
6th Grand Consul (1924)
Louis Rinaldi served a short term in office; February-December, 1924. He was the last of the undergraduate Grand Consuls. During his term, legislation was passed deciding that only graduate brothers would be eligible for the office of Grand Consul. Also the Fraternity was split into districts for the first time in order to promote contact among the entities. No expansion took place during 1924. Hon. Louis J. Rinaldi, Iota, was a founder of his chapter, and was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1926. Rinaldi was an Army veteran of World War I and a member of several organizations, including the New York Athletic Club, the Sons of Italy and the Italian-American Veterans. He also served as president and secretary of the Schenectady Bar Association. Brother Rinaldi died on May 23, 1977.
John Pasta
Beta Chapter
7th Grand Consul (1925)
John Pasta, Seventh Grand Consul, was initiated into Beta Chapter at Columbia University in 1920. Fellowclassmen were such staunch APD men as Dr. Paul J. Salvatore, Judge Robert V. Santangelo and Judge Anthony J. Armore. A graduate of the College of the City of New York (class of 1919) he received his L.L.B. degree from Columbia Law School in 1922. He was unanimously elected Grand Consul at the Cleveland Convention of December, 1924. To Brother Pasta goes the credit for regrouping a disintegrating fraternity during his tenure of office. In addition he initiated many of the legal steps which solidified Alpha Phi Delta’s position on the campus and fraternal world. Continually active, he was a familiar face at almost all National Conventions, and was an active member of the Long Island Alumni Club. Brother Pasta was a former Assistant District Attorney for Queens County, New York. Active in community and fraternal affairs, he was former Judge Advocate for the American Legion and Knights of Columbus and a former President of the Queens Council Boy Scouts of America. John Pasta and his wife, Lillian, lived in Roslyn Estates, New York. Their ties with Alpha Phi Delta were even more solidified with the marriage of their daughter Rosemary to Anthony Armore, Jr., son of John’s schoolmate and brother at Columbia who presented them with three grandchildren. In 1969, the Long Island Alumni Club established a Scholarship Fund in his name which is flourishing and provides yearly grants to deserving students both within and outside of APD. The fund has over $25,000 in its trust account and is the largest single named award in the Scholarship Division. John Pasta passed away on April 13, 1984, only nine days after his very close friend, and another Alpha Phi Delta icon, Robert Santangelo, had died.
Benjamin Marsicano
Theta Chapter
8th Grand Consul (1926-1927)
Benjamin Marsicano, eighth Grand Consul, was born in New York City September 19, 1900. A graduate of New York University School of Law, class of 1923, he was admitted to practice in the Courts of New York State in July, 1924. He practiced in New York City until the Spring of 1934 when he moved to Troy, New York where he again engaged in general practice. Ben Marsicano’s contributions to the then young Alpha Phi Delta were many and varied. He was the originator of the first Fraternity directory and continued with that work until 1932. The enormous accomplishment of that original work cannot be overestimated, there being virtually no Fraternity records in 1924. Marsicano was elected Grand Consul for the years 1926 and 1927 which was the first time that a twoyear term of office was inaugurated. Much was his own personal contribution during that period as he traveled around the country making visitations. Also during his term of office, Marsicano had the design of the Fraternity pin copyrighted and gained Alpha Phi Delta admission into the National Interfraternity Council as a junior member. Through his travels, the preparation of the directory, his personal acquaintance with many of the brothers, and his tireless and unselfish devotion to his Fraternity, Alpha Phi Delta assumed a unity of purpose that it had never known before and at a time that it needed it most.
Dr. Charles J. Barone
Nu Chapter
9th Grand Consul (1927-1929)
(first President from a chapter outside of New York)
Dr. Charles J. Barone, ninth Grand Consul of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, was elected to that position at the Pittsburgh Convention of 1927 and served until the Boston Convention of 1929. Born in Buffalo, New York, Dr. Barone came to Pittsburgh and Magee Hospital in 1915. In 1947, he became chairman of Magee’s Department of Obstetrics and two years later became the hospital’s medical director. He also served as Chief of Obstetrics of St. Francis, St. John’s and Montefiore Hospitals in Pittsburgh. For many years he was on the University of Pittsburgh teaching staff in the School of Medicine. One of the nation’s foremost obstetricians, he delivered more than 27,000 babies. Among his many titles and appointments lies the biography of a man who believed that the birth of a baby was one of the greatest miracles. He once said, “the creation of life is a function man hasn’t much to do with. Embryological studies of a human cell show the marking of the future child— the landmarks that will be the eyes or the legs, or the nose, or the lips. If this isn’t Divine, I don't know what is.” Always active in Alpha Phi Delta, he was presented with a wall plaque for “outstanding service to Alpha Phi Delta” by the Pittsburgh Alumni Club on the occasion of its Third Annual Metropolitan Dinner in 1959. Dr. Barone passed away suddenly on January 25, 1963.
Dr. Peter Sammartino
Eta Chapter
10th Grand Consul (1929-1931)
Dr. Peter Sammartino graduated from the College of the City of New York in 1924, received his doctorate at New York University and studied at the Sorbonne. While an associate of the experimental New College at Teachers College, Columbia, he took part in a survey of high-school principals around Rutherford, New Jersey, where the need for an educational institution on the college level quickly became apparent. In 1941, he succeeded in getting the help of sixteen high school principals in the North Jersey area to sponsor a two-year terminal semiprofessional junior college. Also interested was Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson who arranged the purchase of an abandoned mansion and turned it over to Sammartino. Fairleigh Dickinson College officially opened its doors on September 16, 1942. Attracting only sixty day and ninety night students in the first year, its enrollment grew to 500 by 1945. By 1948, it had received full college status. By 1954 and in June, 1956 it received university status. By 1973, it boasted an enrollment of 20,000 students and is one of the most respected centers of learning in the country. In 1967, Dr. Sammartino, the institution’s only president since its inception, retired amidst many honors in recognition of his tremendous work. He was elected the school’s first Chancellor. Dr. Sammartino’s service to Alpha Phi Delta in its infancy was immeasurable. Initiated into Eta Chapter in 1922, he occupied various chapter offices as an undergraduate. In 1924, he was chosen Grand Tribune, later Grand Quaestor, and then Tribune- Quaestor. During the late twenties, he placed the Fraternity on a sound financial and organizational basis, established The KLEOS, developed the pledge manual, Dokime, and helped produce the first Alpha Phi Delta song book. He was elected Grand Consul in 1929 and served through 1931. Dr. Sammartino passed away on March 29, 1992 at the age of 88.
Paul J. Salvatore
11th Grand Consul (1931-1933)
had previously served as 2nd Grand Consul (1919-1921)
(sole President to serve non-consecutive terms)
Dr. Paul J. Salvatore, like Grover Cleveland, holds the distinction of being elected twice to the Grand Consulship for nonconsecutive terms. He was Alpha Phi Delta’s second Grand Consul (1919-1921) and its eleventh (1931- 1933). As APD’s second Grand Consul, Dr. Salvatore regrouped the young Fraternity which had just managed to weather the first World War. His administration installed Delta Chapter at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (1920) and laid the groundwork for a truly National Fraternity. As its eleventh grand consul, he served to consolidate the Fraternity during the early depression years. Born in 1895, Dr. Salvatore received an A.B. cum laude from Columbia University in 1915 where he was inducted into Beta Chapter, and a Ph.D. degree in 1935. He served successively as instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor of Romance languages at Stevens Institute of Technology from 1916 to 1928. From 1928 to 1932 he was supervisor of Romance languages at Townsend Harris Hall High School, New York. He joined the faculty of Brooklyn College in 1932 and headed the Romance Language Department there from 1938 to 1947. After an illness of several months, Dr. Paul J. Salvatore died on October 18, 1960, a week short of his 65th birthday.
Gerard Chirichigno
Nu Chapter
12th Grand Consul (1933-1935)
Gerard Chirichigno was born in Potenza, Italy, May 26, 1890. His parents emigrated to America in 1896 and settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Chirichigno attended the Carnegie Institute of Technology for two years. He then transferred to the University of Pittsburgh and graduated in 1915 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. While at the University of Pittsburgh, he was very active with a local group, Delta Lambda Mu Fraternity, which had been organized in 1913. Having very much the same ideals as Alpha Phi Delta, the group petitioned for membership and, in February, 1923, was inducted as Nu Chapter. In 1926 he helped organize the first active alumni group in APD, the Pittsburgh Alumni Club. He served as District Pro-Consul in 1930-33. He was elected Grand Consul at the Cleveland Convention of 1933 and served for two years. During his tenure of office, Beta Eta Chapter was installed in 1934, the last until the postwar period. At the 1953 Convention held at Franconia Notch, N.H., Chirichigno was elected National Field Secretary and held that office until his resignation in 1962. He was the recipient of a National Service Award in 1954. Chirichigno was in the ornamental iron and structural steel business until 1928 and then went into the marble business, forming the Columbia Marble Company of Pittsburgh. He remained active with the company for 35 years until his retirement in 1963. He passed away in 1980.
Francis X. Pagano
Eta Chapter
13th Grand Consul (1935-1937)
Francis X. Pagano will long be remembered as one of the driving forces in Alpha Phi Delta. He entered the City College of New York in 1921 where he became President of the Italian Club. At CCNY, he entered the ranks of Alpha Phi Delta as a member of Eta Chapter and served as Quaestor and Consul. He graduated from CCNY with a degree in accounting and continued his studies for the C.P.A. as well as a law degree. Pagano’s first national elective office was that of Grand Historian in 1929. Previous to that, however, he had made many contributions, not the least of which was the first auditing of fraternity books in 1925 and the standardization of chapter Quaestor books in 1928. During his tenure as Grand Historian, he undertook the writing of the history of Alpha Phi Delta. He was also instrumental in compiling the first Song Book. In 1931, Pagano was elected Grand Tribune-Quaestor at the New York convention, and again at the 1933 convention held in Cleveland. In recognition of his splendid work, the 1935 Rochester convention elected him Grand Consul. Although Francis Pagano did not take an active part in fraternity affairs after the war because of illness, he nevertheless was keenly interested in its progress. His son Alfred, who attended Cornell University, is a member of Mu Chapter. On January 7, 1955, after a long illness, he passed away.
Hon. Frank Travaline, Jr.
Lambda Chapter
14th Grand Consul (1937-1939)
Frank Travaline, Jr. was born in Philadelphia, Pa. At a very early age his family moved to Camden, New Jersey, where he lived ever since. Enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania, he graduated with a B.S. in Economics in 1923 and an LL.B. in 1926. Musically talented, he earned his way through college playing the trumpet and saxophone with a number of outstanding bands of the time, including a unit of Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra. In addition, he assisted in the organization of the famous University of Pennsylvania Band of which he was assistant conductor for four years. Making the grade quickly in Camden as a bright lawyer, he became a candidate for the New Jersey State Legislature and was elected with a majority of over 45,000 votes. This marked the first time a person of Italian extraction had been elected to public office in that section of the state. He went on to be elected to three additional terms. At the age of 32 he served as Acting Speaker of the House. Travaline was a charter member of Lambda and its first Consul. He was the author of two early fraternity songs, “What We Do Goes Down in History” and “Alpha Phi Delta Sweetheart of Mine.” He wrote the basic Ritual for Memorial Services in 1929, and the revised initiation ritual of the middle thirties. He served as Fourth District Pro-Consul for many years. He served as Grand Consul in 1937-38. Married to the former Winifred S. McHugh, they had five children. Frank passed away in 2000 at the age of 100.
Victor S. Leanza
Xi Chapter
15th Grand Consul (1939-1941)
Victor S. Leanza was born in Italy, August 10, 1900. His parents migrated to the United States at an early age. Entering Ohio State University in 1919, he graduated in 1923 and went on to receive his LL.B. degree at the Western Reserve University Law School in 1926. While at Ohio State, he was instrumental in the founding of Xi Chapter. A lawyer of considerable reputation in Cleveland, Leanza was associated with many business, civic and professional activities. A member of the law firm of Leanza, Longano, Farina and Mendelsohn, he was also chairman of the Board of Fairway Loan Company, Director of Republic Manufacturing Corp., Secretary and Director of Electrolizing Corporation, and Secretary of Resin Research and Development Corp. Leanza held many positions in the fraternity hierarchy including that of Sixth District Governor, Grand Delegate and Historian-Chaplain. As Historian, he wrote the history of Alpha Phi Delta for the years 1930-39, for which this edition is greatly indebted. He was also instrumental in the founding of the Cleveland Alumni Club in 1929 and was an active member of the group for many years. He was elected Grand Consul at the 1939 National Convention and again in 1940. He passed away in 1980.
Joseph A. DeGuglielmo
Upsilon Chapter
16th Grand Consul (1941-1945)
Joseph A. DeGuglielmo, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a graduate of Harvard University, maintained a record of service in Alpha Phi Delta perhaps unequalled since his induction into Upsilon Chapter on December 10, 1928. A charter member of the chapter, he also served as First District Governor, Grand Consul (1941-1945), Grand Tribune (fifteen years in this capacity from 1945-1960), Chairman of the National Housing Committee and Chairman of the National Convention Corporation. In all these positions, he discharged his duties in a style all his own, one that was always recognizable on the National convention floor, always reflecting his knowledge, concern and fondness for the Fraternity he served for so many years. A brilliant lawyer in his home state, Joe held many elective positions in the city of Cambridge including: Assistant City Solicitor; member of the City Council; Mayor (1952-1953); and City Manager (1965-1967). He also served as Assistant District Attorney for Middlesex County (1956-1958). In 1937, DeGuglielmo was appointed an Associate Justice of the Municipal Court of the City of Boston. Joe’s lasting legacy may have come from his challenge in 1973 to start a scholarship fund within the Fraternity. Joe’s challenge and subsequent matching funds started the Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship Division of the Foundation. Joe passed away in 1983.
Dr. Felix Ottaviano
Omega Chapter
17th Grand Consul (1945-1946)
Born May 13, 1906 in New York City, Dr. Felix Ottaviano moved to Rochester with his family in 1920. His association with Alpha Phi Delta began in 1925. At that time he helped found the Omega Chapter at the University of Rochester and despite school obstacles succeeded in obtaining university recognition on April 6, 1929. Chapter Consul at the time, he subsequently held every national office in the Fraternity with the exception of Grand Tribune- Quaestor. After graduation from the University of Rochester in 1929 and a year of postgraduate work in chemistry and physics, he attended the University of Rome, Italy, Medical School from which he graduated in 1934. Upon his return to the States, he became resident physician and instructor at Iola Sanatorium associated with the University of Rochester Medical School. He was a practicing physician in Oneida, New York, from 1941, specializing in diseases of the chest. He was a member of many societies and served community activities for many years. Elected Grand Pro-Consul at the 1941 National Convention during Joseph DeGuglielmo’s administration, he was acting Grand Consul while De- Guglielmo was in the service and officially assumed that position in 1944. He held that position through the first postwar National convention held in Syracuse in 1946, declining requests to run again. Dr. Ottaviano passed away May 28, 1992 at the age of 86.
Dr. D. A. Macedonia
Kappa Chapter
18th Grand Consul (1946-1948)
Dr. Domenic Anthony Macedonia, Eighteenth Grand Consul, was born in Steubenville, Ohio, October 8, 1909. He attended Ohio State University and was graduated from the College of Medicine in 1935. While interning at Metropolitan Hospital in New York City, he did postgraduate study in ophthalmology and otolaryngology and started practice in Steubenville as a specialist in this field in 1938. “Doc Macey,” as he was affectionately called throughout the Fraternity, first came in contact with Alpha Phi Delta at Rho Chapter, Carnegie Mellon, but soon after moved to Case Western Reserve University and there was initiated into Kappa Chapter. A bulwark of the Fraternity thereafter, he continued to be a driving force in both his own district and on the National scene. Serving as Sixth District Governor from 1939-1945, he was one of the small group of dedicated APD men who tirelessly held the Fraternity together over the war years. In 1945 he served as Grand Pro-Consul. He was elected Grand Consul at the 1946 Convention in Syracuse and again the next year in Cleveland. During his Grand Consulship, Alpha Phi Delta met the postwar era with confidence and renewed spirit. In 1951, the Fraternity bestowed on him its Most Outstanding Alumnus Award. He served as chairman of the National Housing Fund for many years. Active in many civic and charitable works, In 1952, His Holiness Pope Pius XII made him a Knight Commander, with Star, in the Order of Saint Gregory the Great. The formal knighting was performed by His Excellency, John King Mussio, Bishop of Steubenville. In 1955, he was awarded the Carita Medal by His Excellency John King Mussio for his many charitable works. In 1967, the Republic of Italy bestowed the Cross of Chevalier of Merit on him for his “professional, church and civic leadership in fostering better American-Italian community relations.” He was a member of the Ohio Lions Eye Research Board. In 1961, he was appointed to the State Medical Board by Governor LaSalle of Ohio for a seven-year term. Married to the former Olga F. Cincione of Columbus, Ohio, the Macedonias had five children: Rita Marie, Annetta, Joseph John, Domenic A. and Patrick. All his sons are Alpha Phi Delta brothers. “Doc Macey” died of a heart attack one day after attending the 1968 midyear Executive Committee meeting in New York City where he was also guest speaker at the Annual Communion Dinner. It was his last fraternal appearance. His sudden passing was deeply felt throughout the entire Fraternity.
Dr. Samuel Varco
Epsilon Chapter
19th Grand Consul (1948-1950)
Samuel Varco, M.D., was born in Buffalo, New York, July 23, 1900. He served as Army Field Clerk in World War I and upon separation from service, earned his B.S. in Medicine in 1921 and his Doctorate in 1923, both at the University of Buffalo. Dr. Varco had always taken an active part in performing services for his profession, community, university and fraternity. For Alpha Phi Delta, he served in many of the local and regional offices, culminating with his election as Grand Consul in 1948 and 1949. A founder of Epsilon Chapter at Buffalo University, his activities on behalf of the Fraternity continued for many years. In his professional capacity, he served as a member of many medical societies. In addition, he appeared before medical and allied groups in Canada, England, and Europe. He developed and was issued patents on a pelvic traction device and ganglion reducer with the former gaining wide international acceptance. He was the author of many articles published in medical journals. He served as a medical associate member of the Cancer Legislative Study Commission of New York State (1931-38) and many other committees. Dr. and Mrs. Varco had been consistent conventioneers for many years. In honor of their many years of devotion to Alpha Phi Delta, several of the “old-timers” surprised them with a “wedding ceremony” at the 1964 National Convention to commemorate their 40th wedding anniversary. He passed away in 1973.
Joseph W. Alaimo
Mu Chapter
20th Grand Consul (1950-1952)
Joseph W. Alaimo was born March 15, 1910, in Caltanisetta, Sicily, Italy. In 1913 his parents migrated to Rochester, New York. He entered Cornell University in 1927 and majored in psychology and then entered Cornell Law School. He was admitted to the New York State Bar in 1938. He conducted private law practice in Rochester in trial work. Alaimo’s civic, social and fraternal interests were very wide and diverse. He served as President of Il Solco, an organization promoting interest in Italian Culture in Rochester, President of the Community Broadcasting Company, various parent-teacher associations in Rochester, and many professional bar associations. The possessor of a fine tenor voice, he was a member of the Rochester Community Players and participated in several operas sponsored by the Rochester Civic Music Association with guests stars from the Metropolitan Opera Company. Active since his initiation at Cornell on May 19, 1928, he served as Secretary of the chapter and later organized the Genesee Valley Alumni Association. He served as District Governor in 1946 and was chairman of the 1948 Rochester Convention. He was elected Grand Consul in 1950 and again in 1951. Married to the former Charlotte Parfiria in 1940, the Alaimos had four daughters. Brother Alaimo passed away in 1977.
Adam DiVincenzo
Psi Chapter
21st Grand Consul (1952-1953)
21st National President (1953-1954)
Adam DiVincenzo graduated from Duquesne University with a B.S. degree in Education in 1934. His college days were crowded with activity, and he took part in 17 extracurricular activities while working at night to pay for his tuition. He served as President of the IFC, the Student Senate and his own Psi chapter. Active in fundraising campaigns during World War II, he was awarded a Silver Medal from the Treasury Department and membership to the exclusive Thousand Club. He served as National Secretary of the Italian Sons and Daughters for many years, as an Executive Secretary for the Duquesne University Alumni Association and was very active with the Kiwanis International. Continuously active in Alpha Phi Delta, he served as Fifth District Governor (1947-52) and National President (1952-53). In 1960, he became National Secretary, an office he held until 1978 and devoted many countless late hours in the interests of the Fraternity. For his dedication, many brothers called him “Mr. Alpha Phi Delta.” He and his wife Mary had one daughter. Mary and Adam were seen together at many National conventions until the late 1980s. Brother DiVincenzo received the Fraternity's Lifetime Achievement Award in 1985. Adam passed away on February 14, 1994 at the age of 84.
Frank Cavallaro
Theta Beta Chapter
22nd National President (1954-1956)
Frank Cavallaro graduated from New York University in 1939 and was active with Alpha Phi Delta since his initiation as a freshman. He served as Third District Governor (1951-1954), National Vice President (1948-1950) and National President (1954-1956). He also served as an active member of many national committees, often as its chairman. As chairman of the Music Committee in 1951, he secured national adoption of APD’s most popular songs, “Our Fraternity” and “Fraternity Sweetheart.” He served on the Expansion Committee for many years during which time the Fraternity saw the installation of many new chapters and the reactivation of others. He was instrumental in the activation of many alumni clubs. Continuously active in the Third District, he helped organize many of the district functions and activities. He was Treasurer of the Alpha Phi Delta Resort Association of New York (APDRANY), Treasurer of the Third District Endowment Fund and President of the Brooklyn Alumni Club Reactivation Group. In all his fraternal activities, Cavallaro was assisted by his wife, the former Anne Serna, who accompanied him to all conventions, executive meetings and fraternal socials. Frank passed away on August 24, 1980 at the relatively young age of 62, a victim of “Lou Gehrig’s disease.”
Frank Costanzo
Nu Chapter
23rd National President (1956-1958)
Frank Costanzo was born in Steubenville, Ohio, September 25, 1911. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, he received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 1933. As an undergraduate, he served as Vice President of Nu Chapter. As an alumnus, he served as President of the Pittsburgh Alumni Club (1952-53). In 1954 and 1955 he was elected National Vice President. He was elected National President in 1956 and 1957. Recipient of the Outstanding Alumnus Award in 1952, he has also served as Expansion Committee Chairman for the Western Area. Costanzo, a specialist in corrosion, worked for the Utility Survey Commission of the Mellon Institute and with the Columbia Gas System, Pittsburgh Group Companies. He was a director of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers. He also was a Lt. Colonel in the Ordnance Department, U.S. Army, with over thirty years active and reserve service. He was Commander of the 2201st Research and Development Unit of the Reserve for several years and was a member of the Second Army Research and Development Board. Overseas assignments in World War II took him to New Caledonia, Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands. Frank and his wife Augustine (Gussie) were married for over 60 years until her death in 2000. They were regulars at National conventions until the mid-1990s. Frank served as one of the first trustees of the Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship Fund and donated $20,000 in his name in the 1990s. He passed away on June 6, 2009.
Joseph M. D’Urso
Beta Delta Chapter
24th National President (1958-1960)
Joseph M. D’Urso received his B.A. degree from Temple University in 1938 and his Master’s in Mathematics in 1943. Initiated in 1936, he served as chapter President during his undergraduate days. In 1949, he was elected Fourth District Governor, a position he held until his election to National Vice President in 1956. Reelected in 1957, he was elected National President in 1958 and again in 1959. D’Urso’s other affiliations include membership in the Knights of Columbus (3rd Degree) and Sons of Italy. Joe has distinguished himself professionally in the labor movement as an executive of the Retail Clerks Union, and as a labor arbitrator with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service of the American Arbitration Association. While working for the Retail Clerks Union, he found parttime jobs for Temple students helping them to meet their school expenses. In addition to the positions of leadership he has held in the Fraternity, he was an active member of the Housing Committee that provides financial support for undergraduate students at Temple University. During his college days, D’Urso played semiprofessional baseball and basketball. He and his wife Margaret raised four children in Philadelphia. Joe was a long-time member of the Delaware Valley Alumni Club. He passed away on July 21, 2004.
Carlo M. Vannicola
Rho Chapter
25th National President (1960-1962)
Carlo Maria Vannicola graduated from the College of Fine Arts of the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1929. From Carnegie, he moved on to the National Academy of New York where his artistic talents won him the Suydam Silver Medal Award in 1931. This was only one of many awards. He also wrote many papers in English and Italian on Byzantinology, Monasticism and the Renaissance, and was listed in “Who’s Who in American Art.” Vannicola’s many fraternal activities include President of the Boston Alumni Club (1937-1941), First District Governor (1941-1943), Grand Tribune (1943-1946), Grand Quaestor (1946-53) and National Treasurer (1953-1960). He was elected National President in 1960 and in 1961. He received the Outstanding Alumnus Award in 1942 and a citation for his work in expansion in 1948. He reactivated Sigma Chapter in 1961. Carlo’s artistic talents have also greatly contributed to APD. Many of the sketches, drawings and caricatures of The KLEOS of the 1940s were the product of his fine hand. An avid student of heraldry, he also redesigned the Fraternity’s Coat of Arms. Vannicola served as Grand Quaestor and National Treasurer from 1946 to 1960 forming Central Office with Joe DeGuglielmo in Boston. In 1973, he was the first Chairman of the Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship Fund, a position he held until his death. Carlo passed away in September 1977 after having attended the National Convention just a few weeks before. The first named scholarship was given in his honor. He worked as Art Director of the Radio-Keith Orpheum (RKO) Theatres, before going in business for himself as a printer. Married to the former Mary A. Picone, they raised three children.
Joseph A. Scioscia
Psi Chapter
26th National President (1962-1964)
Joseph A. Scioscia received his B.S. degree at Duquesne University in 1951. He was initiated into Psi Chapter in 1947. From 1953 through 1955, he served as Alumnus Advisor to Psi Chapter. In 1955, he was elected Fifth District Governor, a position he held until 1960. During his tenure he established the Beta Rho Colony at Gannon College and installed it in November, 1959. During his five years as District Governor, three chapters in the Fifth District won the Fraternity’s Outstanding Chapter Award. He was elected National Vice President in 1960 and served in that capacity until 1962 at which time he was elected National President, serving through 1964. During his presidency, he successfully urged for the establishment of a renewed Life Membership Plan. Scioscia is a Korean War Veteran and served as a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force (1951-53). In 1956, he became President of the Nu-Vita Products Company, a manufacturer of men’s personal products. In 1968, he formed Roffler Industries by merging his company with a group of barbers. Scioscia served as CEO from 1968 to 1980, while taking the company public in 1972. In 1988, Scioscia formed Jean Alexander Cosmetics which is dedicated to the advancement of professional hairstyling. Scioscia and his wife Dalia raised six children in Pittsburgh, Pa. Two of his sons, Oreste and James, also joined Alpha Phi Delta at Psi chapter. He passed away on April 19, 2018.
Francis J. Paladino
Phi Chapter
27th National President (1964-1966)
Francis John Paladino, active since his installation as a charter member of Phi Chapter on February 23, 1929, was a graduate of the University of Alabama. As an undergraduate, he served in various chapter offices and in 1930 and 1931 served as District Governor for the southern area. Returning to New York, he continued his activities. He was a charter member of the New York Alumni Club, and in 1957 he became a charter member of the Long Island Alumni Club serving in various offices. From 1960 to 1962, he served as a Trustee of the National Housing Corporation. He was elected National Vice President in 1962 and 1963 and National President in 1964 and 1965. An expert on plant pathology, he served with the New York Botanical Gardens and the Delaware Agriculture Station, discovering and naming two bacterial forms during research on diseases of cacti. During World War II, he was in charge of corrosion testing projects at Chance Vaught Aircraft and also served with the Bureau of Aeronautics directing laboratory research on fungus deterioration. A native of New York, he and his wife Mary lived in Flushing, New York. Brother Paladino passed away in 1985 at the age of 76.
Trent J. Ciarrocchi
Psi Chapter
28th National President (1966-1968)
Trent J. Ciarrocchi was born September 30, 1917, in the small mining community of Dearth, Pa. At the age of one, his family moved to Weirton, West Virginia where he has lived all his life. In the fall of 1935, he entered Duquesne University from which he graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration. While attending Duquesne, he was initiated into Psi Chapter. In 1942, he entered the U.S. Navy, later receiving a commission as a Supply Officer. Returning to Weirton, he joined the Weir-Cove Moving and Storage Company, a motor transportation firm hauling steel and general freight in six states where he finished his career as an executive. Very active in civic, church and fraternal organizations, he has held many positions with the Knights of Columbus, Elks Club, the Community Chest, Junior Achievement Inc. In 1971, he was elected to the office of Grand Knight of the Monsignor D.P. Murphy Council of the Knights of Columbus of Weirton. He is a member of the Steubenville Alumni Club and helped found the Weirton Alumni Club. He served as National Vice President 1964-1966 and as National President 1966-1968. Trent chaired the Scholarship Division of the Foundation for over ten years and oversaw much of its growth. Trent married the former Helen Czarepack in November, 1940. They raised three children: Gloria Jean, David, and Trent Jr., the latter, a victim of an unfortunate fatal car accident as an undergraduate brother of Beta Theta in 1968. Brother Ciarrocchi passed away on Christmas Day in 2014.
Vincent J. Muffoletto
Epsilon Chapter
29th National President (1968-1970)
Vincent J. Muffoletto served as National President, 1968-1970 and previously as National Vice President, l966-1968. Initiated into Epsilon Chapter in 1949, Vincent served as Chapter President, Treasurer of the IFC at Buffalo and as a delegate to the National IFC in 1950. As an alumnus he served as President of the Buffalo Alumni Club, 1961-1962, was a prime-mover in organizing the Buffalo Alumni Convention Club, and was a member of the National Housing Corporation for several years. In 1966 he represented Alpha Phi Delta in the fight against the New York State University System’s abolishment of fraternities on the Buffalo campus. Vincent is a certified public accountant and a partner in the firm of Muffoletto & Kuehn in Buffalo. He and his wife Theresa have four children. The oldest, James, followed in his father’s footsteps both at Buffalo University and in Alpha Phi Delta. Brother Muffoletto passed away on September 19, 2016.
Stanley W. Raffa
Delta Chapter
30th National President (1970-1972)
Stanley Raffa is the author of the “The History of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity 1914-1973” which is the predecessor of this volume. When that volume was being finalized in 1972, after years of work by the author, Stan was the leader of our Fraternity serving as its National President. His early personal data is covered in the first History as Stan was quite instrumental in Alpha Phi Delta history from 1949 through 1972. Stanley W. Raffa, 4th Editor of The Kleos and 30th National President of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, was born September 3, 1925 in New York City. He attended the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn where he was initiated into Delta Chapter in January, 1949, and went on to receive his B.S. in Physics at Adelphi College. He has been active in every phase of Fraternity activity since his initiation. As an undergraduate he served as Treasurer and President and during the latter, Delta boasted of the largest membership it ever had. His biweekly publication, “Delta Doings” served to unite and keep undergraduates and alumni pleasantly informed. Supporting every Third District function, his major contribution was as Editor of the MetroVox, a monthly publication of 8 to 12 mimeographed pages which served to keep APD men in the Metropolitan area informed on all chapter, district and national activities. He was also instrumental in reactivating the old Brooklyn Alumni Club to formal status in 1952. In 1956, National President Frank Cavallaro appointed him Editor of The Kleos. He served in that position until 1968 at which time he was elected National Vice President. In 1970 he was elected National President. He is the recipient of the Outstanding Undergraduate Award for 1951 and a Certificate of Merit as an Alumnus in 1961. In 1973, Stan was recognized by the Fraternity as its Outstanding Alumnus—an honor that he shared that year with future National President A. Joseph Creston. After leaving office as National President, Stan went back and served the New York City area as Third District Governor in the mid 1970s and then on to serve the National Fraternity again as Executive Secretary from 1978 to 1984. He became involved in the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation Scholarship Division as a Trustee and Chairman from 1990 through late 1990s. He retired as an Assistant Vice President for Western Union. A World War II veteran, he wrote a book on his experiences as a P.O.W. in Germany. Brother Raffa received the Fraternity's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2000.He lived in Dumont, New Jersey until the time of his death on September 29, 2005.
Julius J. Zangrille
Beta Lambda Chapter
31st National President (1972-1974)
Julius J. “Jules” Zangrille was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1928. He was a founding brother of Beta Lambda Chapter at St. Francis College of Loretto, Pa. where he was a student as an undergraduate. In addition to being a charter member of the chapter, he served as its first President. He graduated from St. Francis in 1950 with a B.A. in Business Administration. Upon graduation, Jules became the alumni advisor for Beta Lambda. He continued in that position for the Fraternity until 1960. After college, he became involved in his family’s plumbing business where he eventually became its President. Jules stayed involved with the Fraternity as he began a lifelong association with the Pittsburgh Alumni Club. He served as Fifth District Governor from 1960 to 1967 and also was a member of the National Housing Corporation for thirty years (1950 through 1980) and served as its Chairman. He was elected as National Vice President in 1970 and then National President in 1972. He received the National Outstanding Alumnus Award in 1977. After his retirement from the plumbing business, Jules moved to Florida and became a licensed Real Estate agent. He returns to Pittsburgh during the summer. Jules has two children, Julius III and Andrea, and five grandchildren. He died from a heart attack on May 16th, 2007.
Albert E. Palazzo
Theta Beta Chapter
32nd National President (1974-1976)
Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Albert E. Palazzo is a graduate of New York University (1949). He also holds two teaching licenses, but spent most of his career in the field of insurance. Initiated into Theta Beta Chapter in 1946, he has been constantly active in the New York Alumni Club. He served as Chairman of the Third District Christmas Dance many times. He has also served six years as District Governor. He was a recipient of National’s Outstanding Alumnus Award in 1970. Al served as National Vice President from 1972-74 and as National President from 1974-76. He wore out several cars during his thousands of miles traveling for the Fraternity in his four years as Vice President and President. After his terms expired, he continued to serve the Fraternity. He was National Treasurer from 1978-1980 serving Central Office with his longtime traveling partner, Stan Raffa. He also was an original Trustee on the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation and is currently a Trustee for the Scholarship Division. Married to the former Theodora (Dotty) Costanzo (who has been as active in APD as long as he has), they have four children: Vincent, Albert Jr., Jerianne and Daniel. APD runs in the family. Vincent, the eldest, turned down a scholarship to Manhattan College just so that he could reactivate his father’s old chapter at NYU. Jerianne married Art Pizza, a brother from Beta Xi. Albert Jr. and Daniel are also brothers. Albert Palazzo died after a long illness on April 28, 2011. A little less than a year after his death, Palazzo's grandson Arthur Pizza became a brother of Alpha Phi Delta at our Mu Chapter at Cornell University. Brother Palazzo received the Fraternity's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005.
Anthony A. Nardone
Lambda Chapter
33rd National President [Posthumously]
Born August 5, 1905 in Philadelphia, Brother Nardone received his A.B. degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1926 and his M.D. from the same university in 1929. Initiated into Lambda Chapter in 1926, he remained continually active in the Fraternity throughout his lifetime. In 1936, he was a founder of the Philadelphia Alumni Club and served as its President in 1937-38, and again in 1946-47. He also served as its Secretary in the 1960s. He served as Fourth District Governor in 1939 and 1940 and again in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Dr. Nardone was elected National Vice President in 1974 and reelected to that position in 1975. A veteran of World War II, Dr. Nardone went overseas as a captain in the Medical Corps and saw front-line action as a regimental surgeon. Decorated often, he held the commission of Colonel in the U.S. Army Medical Corps Reserve in command of the 348th General Army Hospital. From 1930, Dr. Nardone practiced in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. He was a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a Diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. On the night before his death in 1976, Dr. and Mrs. Nardone attended the Fourth District Governor’s Ball at the Holiday Inn in Philadelphia. He was to entertain several National officers at his home for breakfast the next morning. However, it never came to be. During the night of March 7, 1976, he suffered a fatal heart attack. Dr. Nardone did not actually serve as National President. He was in line of succession to be elected as National President. At the following convention in Stevensville, New York, Dr. Nardone was posthumously granted the title of National President. He and his wife Ann had two daughters, Marie and Rose. At the time of Dr. Nardone’s death, Rose was married to Benjamin Verdile, who would eventually become National Vice President succeeding his father-in-law.
Angelus Joseph Creston
Psi Chapter
34th National President (1976-1978)
A. Joseph Creston was born on May 17, l927, in Pittsburgh, Pa. in the borough of Swissvale. He graduated from Swissvale High School in 1945 and entered the Navy during the second World War. His total years of service including active duty and the Naval Reserves was ten. In 1951 he graduated from Duquesne University with a B.S. degree in Business Administration. He was inducted into Alpha Phi Delta on December 7, 1949. Joe’s career included: Production Engineer at the Union Switch and Signal Co.; owner and manager of a restaurant; Production Engineer for Westinghouse Nuclear and RCA; and Component Buyer and Planning Engineer for Westinghouse Nuclear, Electrical. He retired in 1990 and spends six months in Palm Harbor, Florida and six months in Pittsburgh. Joe’s Alpha Phi Delta activities included: President of the Pittsburgh Alumni Club; District Governor; cofounder and Godfather of Gamma Delta Chapter at Waynesburg College; Housing Committee member; Alumni Fundraising Chairman for the Federici-Niehaus Memorial at Duquesne University; APD Constitution Restructuring Committee member; Scholarship Trustee; National Chaplain; and National President, 1976-1978. Joe has been an active brother since his induction in 1949. Currently, he is in contact with the South Florida Alumni Club and is involved with starting a Tampa\Clearwater Alumni Club with District Governor, Vincent Verdile. In 2000, Joe made a $10,000 contribution to the Scholarship Foundation. In August of 2001, the first scholarship was given in his name and will continue annually. His main focus is to stimulate our alumni to better serve Alpha Phi Delta. Among Joe’s many church and community activities are: Little League baseball coach for eleven years; President of the Edgewood Youth Association; Meals on Wheels; Religion teacher and principal for eleven years; Eucharistic Minister; Church Choir member for 40 years; Church Council member; Westinghouse Male Chorus; community theater in Pittsburgh and currently in Palm Harbor. In 1955, Joe married the former Josie Mustari, who is now a retired schoolteacher. They have three children: Jan, Linda, and Dan, and four grandchildren: Michelle, Thomas, David, and Dana. Brother Brother Creston received the Fraternity's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006. Creston passed away on August 11, 2022.
Santo J. Barbarino
Beta Sigma Chapter
35th National President (1978-1980)
Dr. Santo J. Barbarino, Beta Sigma ’65, was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 27, 1947; he was initiated into Alpha Phi Delta on April 21, 1965. Following his graduation from St. Francis College in Brooklyn in 1967, he became extremely involved on the National level of the Fraternity and in its leadership. Brother Barbarino was Third District Governor in the New York City area and was Kleos Editor from 1968 to 1978. He was elected National President of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity and served from 1978-80. After serving as National President, he served as an original director on the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. He is also the sole remaining active member of the original scholarship trustees formed in 1974. Most recently Santo has given much service to the Fraternity as a member of the Centennial Committee preparing for Alpha Phi Delta’s 100th Anniversary. Among fraternal honors received, he received the Outstanding Undergraduate Award in 1967 and in 2011 received the National Fraternity’s Outstanding Alumnus Award. Brother Barbarino was a regular attendee of the National Convention and served as a delegate on the National Council at its most recent meeting in Philadelphia. Brother Barbarino received his doctorate from New York University in 1987 and was served many years as Principal of Lynbrook High School in Lynbrook, New York. For the past several years has served the Lynbrook School District as its Superintendent of Schools. On August 27, 2012, just a few weeks after he had attended the National Convention, Dr. Barbarino, Past National President, passed from this life, having suffered a heart attack.
Anthony J. Carfang
Psi Chapter
36th National President (1980-1982)
Anthony J. Carfang matriculated at Duquesne University where he pledged Psi Chapter as a freshman in 1969. Tony served as the chapter’s Treasurer and President and was instrumental in the fundraising for the Federici-Niehaus Memorial that was constructed at Duquesne in 1972. After graduating, Tony went on to Northwestern University to earn a Master’s degree in business and ended up residing in Chicago. He served Alpha Phi Delta as its Vice President and President from 1978-82. During his terms as a National officer, he was instrumental in founding the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation to serve as a nonprofit fundraising arm of the Fraternity. Tony served as a Trustee and Executive Secretary to the Foundation for a dozen years. He and his wife Carol (whom he met at Duquesne) have four children. Together, they enjoy bicycle riding, chess, classical music and travel. Although Tony and Carol moved to Chicago right after graduation from Duquesne, they manage to make it back to Pittsburgh to visit their parents several times each year. Currently, he is a partner at Treasury Strategies, Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in banking and corporate finance. In 1999, Tony invested in Alpha Phi Delta’s future with a $20,000 endowment to the Scholarship Fund. At that time, Tony wrote to The Kleos, “I decided to make the Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship Fund my primary charitable beneficiary because of all that the Fraternity has meant to me. Not only was it the source of formation and support during my college years, but it has also been my extended family. Like most brothers, I am still in touch with my local chapter contemporaries. I also am part of a much larger network of fraternity brothers that I have met since my graduation. It is truly something special. “I started my scholarship fund when I was 45. Although I still have four children of my own to put through college, I felt it was important to get something started and ‘get into the rhythm.’ Without that discipline, there will always be a reason to put it off. Getting started is the toughest part. “To me, it was important to endow a scholarship while I was still young. I want to see and enjoy the fruits of my giving while I am still alive. I want to know the impact I am having on Alpha Phi Delta.” Brother Carfang received the Fraternity's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015.
Michael G. Zerega
Psi Chapter
37th National President (1982-1984)
Michael G. Zerega was born in Washington, D.C. where he has resided for most of his lifetime. In 1969, he went off to Pittsburgh to attend Duquesne University. He pledged Psi Chapter his freshmen semester and graduated in 1973. Upon graduation, he entered into civil service working in the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In 1976, National President Joseph Creston appointed Zerega as Expansion Chairman for the Fraternity. In this position, Mike was instrumental in starting the Fraternity on a new era of expansion. Nine chapters were founded between 1977 and 1981 equaling the number that had been founded in the 30 years previous. In 1980, he was elected Executive Vice President and was instrumental in creating the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation with National President Tony Carfang. In 1982, he was elected as National President. After leaving office in 1984, he served as chairman of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation for eight years. He received the Outstanding Alumnus Award at the 1994 National Convention. Mike is the proud father of a son—Giancarlo.
Richard F. Primiano
Beta Delta Chapter
38th National President (1984-1986)
Richard F. Primiano joined the Fraternity as a sophomore at Beta Delta chapter at Temple University in 1960. He served as Pledgemaster his senior year—a period where the chapter recruited 22 pledges. The new initiates revived the chapter for the next several years. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting in 1963, he lost touch with the Fraternity for about 10 years. Eventually he became a member of the Philadelphia Alumni Club, and during the next 20 years served continuously as President, Vice - President, Secretary, and Treasurer. When Matt LoMonaco needed a break from his 30 years as District Governor, Rich stepped into that post for many years. He continued to attend National Conventions from 1974 to 1980. When Tony Carfang was elected National President in 1980, Tony selected him to serve as Vice President for Financial Affairs. He was honored to team with Stan Raffa, who was Executive Secretary, and made up the other half of Central Office. In 1982, Mike Zerega asked Primiano to run with him as Executive Vice President. He did and was elected for two terms. As Vice President, he tried to visit every chapter and alumni club. In 1984, he was elected as National President. For those four years, he was immersed in fraternal activities. After serving as National President, Rich was a Trustee on the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation for eight years (through 1994) including a term as its Chairman. He received the National Outstanding Alumnus Award in 1991 for his work with the Fraternity. He served as Treasurer of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Scholarship Division. Rich became a Certified Public Accountant in 1966, and went into business for himself in 1977. Many of his clients are fraternity brothers. He married Beverly in 1976 and had two sons, Steven and David. Brother Creston passed away on February 7, 2008.
Robert J. Valeriano
Psi Chapter
39th National President (1986-1988)
Robert J. Valeriano, Psi ’72, is a second generation brother of Alpha Phi Delta—his father Sam also pledged at Psi chapter in 1947. Bob followed in his father’s footsteps with his choice of college, fraternity and degree in accounting. After graduation, Bob immediately became involved in the Pittsburgh Alumni Club serving as its Secretary. He started working at his father’s accounting firm and passed the CPA exam. He eventually left accounting, went into sales and in 1986, entered into financial planning where he now has his own business and is a Certified Financial Planner. He and his wife Wendy live in Carnegie, Pennsylvania with their two sons—Adam and Justin. Bob served as Executive Vice President from 1984 to 1986 and was elected as National President in 1986. He served as fraternity leader for two years. He then spent an additional eight years as a Trustee for the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation serving as its Chairman from 1994 to 1996. He continues to serve the Foundation as its financial advisor. Bob received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from the National Fraternity in 1999. He remains a National Convention regular even today.
Alexander B. Fafara, Jr.
Beta Xi Chapter
40th National President (1988-1990)
Alexander B. Fafara, Jr. was born September 23, 1950. He pledged Alpha Phi Delta at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and was inducted into Beta Xi Chapter on May 28, 1969. During his undergraduate years, Al served the chapter as Judicial Chairman, House Master, Vice President and President. He was chosen as the Outstanding Undergraduate in the Third District in 1972. He graduated from NJIT with a degree in Industrial Engineering in May 1972. As an alumnus, he immediately became active in the North Jersey Alumni Club and served as its President from 1972-1975. He served as District Governor for the Third District from 1976 to 1978 and was honored with the Fraternity’s Outstanding Alumnus Award in 1981. He served as Executive Vice President from 1986 to 1988 and then as National President from 1988 to 1990. He was on the Board of Trustees for the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation from 1988 until 1998 and served as its Chairman from 1996 to 1998. Al married the former Deborah Giangrande in 1990. They have three children, Alex III, born May 4, 1991; Thereasa, born March 10, 1993; and Katherine, born November 6, 1997. His son Alex was initiated into Delta Beta Chapter at Rutgers in 2010. Brother Fafara is employed as a Claims Adjuster. He has maintained his fraternity activity serving as Alumnus Advisor to Beta Xi Chapter and remains as Secretary and Newsletter Editor of the North Jersey Alumni Club. More recently Brother Fafara moved from North Jersey to Georgia, where has worked to stimulate alumni activity in that area. For his many years of ongoing fraternal activity, Brother Fafara received the Fraternity's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015.
Joseph C. Rahtelli
Beta Beta Chapter
41st National President (1990-1992)
Joseph Rahtelli attended Manhattan College in Riverdale, N.Y. where he was initiated into Beta Beta Chapter in April of 1982. He graduated in 1985 with a degree in Chemical Engineering. Joe was Chapter Treasurer, Chapter Vice President and as a college senior, was Third (NYC) District Treasurer. During this time Beta Beta Chapter was Most Improved Chapter (1982) and Most Outstanding Chapter (1983). He also was the chairperson for the National Mid-Year Convention held at Manhattan College in January of 1985. He received the Third District Outstanding Undergraduate Award in 1984, and the National Outstanding Undergraduate Award in 1985. After graduation, he was appointed Vice President for Expansion for 1986 and Vice President for Alumni Affairs 1986-1988. He served as Third District North Governor (1988-1989). He was elected as Executive Vice President (1988-90) and National President (1990-92). He served on the board of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation from 1990 through 2000. As an alumnus on the district level, the trio of Al Fafara, Jim Lentini and Joe spearheaded the expansion in the New York City area that swelled the number of entities from ten to over twenty. As National President he presided over the largest expansion of the Fraternity in over sixty years, chartering more undergraduate chapters (11), and alumni entities (5), more than any president in the history of Alpha Phi Delta. He has been recognized as an alumnus for his work in the Fraternity by the Long Island Alumni Club as Man of the Year, the Hudson Valley District, and in 1995 as the Outstanding Alumnus by National. He felt very honored to receive the last award because it made him first brother in the Fraternity’s history to be recognized with both District and National awards as an undergraduate and alumnus. Since his presidency he has continued to serve in several capacities which include Alumni Club President, VP for Expansion (again), District Governor (again) and National Historian. Also, he is currently serving his second stint as a Director of Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. Joe has enjoyed a successful career as a process automation engineer consultant. Also, he has a financial services business. Joe and Donna, his wife of thirty five years, have three children—Joseph II, Michelle, and Matthew. Joseph II pledged Delta Theta chapter at Marist College and became the first father-son to both win the Outstanding Undergraduate award. Seven years later, his younger son Matthew, who pledged at Beta Beta and transferred to Marist, won the Outstanding Undergraduate Award as well, becoming the second father-son and second biological brothers to both win. In 2021, the family established an Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship. Joe and Donna are longtime residences of Sandy Hook, Connecticut. He is an active member of the Knights of Columbus, currently serving as Connecticut's State Secretary.
Joseph L. Rossi
Beta Phi Chapter
42nd National President (1992-1994)
Joseph Rossi matriculated at Glassboro State College in Glassboro, N.J. where he was initiated in Beta Phi Chapter in 1980. He was an active undergraduate and received the Outstanding Undergraduate Award in 1983. He became active in National upon his graduation and took over as Vice President for Expansion in 1983. Under his leadership, the Fraternity continued an era of unprecedented expansion that had started in 1977. Joe was responsible for new chapters at Trenton State College (Gamma Eta) and Eastern College (Gamma Theta). In 1985, Joe was appointed as Executive Secretary and moved Central Office to his home in Cape May, N.J. He was an extremely dedicated individual serving that office until 1992. He then was elected as National President for two years (1992-94). Joe and his wife Elizabeth have two sons, Philip and Joseph Jr. Brother Rossi was recognized for his work in the Fraternity in 1995 by being award as that year's Outstanding Alumnus by the National Fraternity.
Joseph G. Malecki
Beta Chi Chapter
43rd National President (1994-1996)
Joseph Malecki was initiated into Alpha Phi Delta at Beta Chi Chapter, Utica College in 1983. He was active as an undergraduate and became involved in National soon after graduation. Joe became a member of the Mohawk Valley Alumni Club and served as Second District Governor. In 1992, he was elected as Executive Vice President serving with Joseph Rossi. In 1994, he was elected as National President. During his Presidential term of office and in the four years following his term of office, Brother Malecki served on the Board of Trustees of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation for six years in the 1990s. Brother Malecki is a senior programmer and network administrator for Utica National Insurance Group. He has also served as Mayor of his hometown of Whitesboro, N.Y. Joe has two sons Stephen and Jordan.
Glenn A. Small
Beta Xi Chapter
44th National President (1996-1998)
Glenn A. Small was born January 15, 1958. He pledged Alpha Phi Delta at the New Jersey Institute of Technology where he was inducted into Beta Xi Chapter on December 4, 1976. During his undergraduate years, Glenn served the chapter as Judicial Chairman, Pledgemaster, and President. He was chosen as the Outstanding Undergraduate in the Third District in 1983. He graduated from NJIT with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering in May 1983. As an alumnus, he immediately became active in the North Jersey Alumni Club serving as its Treasurer in 1987 and its President in 1988 and 1989. He served as District Governor for the Third District West from 1991 to 1992 and the North Jersey District from 1992 to 1994. Glenn was honored with the Third District West’s Outstanding Alumnus Award in 1991. He served as Executive Vice President from 1994 to 1996 and then as National President from 1996 to 1998. He is a current Trustee of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. He has served in that capacity since 1998. Glenn is a Professional Engineer licensed to practice engineering in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He is employed as the Chief Engineer for TRC Environmental Corporation, an international engineering consulting firm, in its New York City office. He remains an active member of the North Jersey Alumni Club.
Thomas J. Carroll
Chi Chapter
45th National President (1998-2002)
Thomas J. Carroll spent his undergraduate years at Penn State University in State College, Pa. where he was inducted into Chi Chapter in 1981. Tom graduated in 1984 with a degree in Foreign Service and International Politics and a minor in National Security Affairs. He furthered his education by going to law school at the Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law and earned his J.D. degree in 1988. After graduating from law school, he passed the bar exam and entered into private practice specializing as a criminal defense lawyer in Montgomery County, Pa. Tom continued his fraternity activities as an alumnus by helping to reactivate Chi Chapter in 1990. (After over 50 continuous years of active chapter status, Chi went inactive soon after Tom had graduated.) Tom served as District Governor for the central Pennsylvania region in his efforts to continue to support his chapter. In 1994, he was appointed Legal Counsel for the Fraternity under National President Joseph Rossi. Carroll served in this capacity for four years until he was elected as National President in 1998. As President, he was able to greatly improve fraternity communication and management. In 2000, the Fraternity established new legislation that lengthened the term limits of National President and Executive Vice President from two years to four years. With a void in individuals seeking office in 2000, Tom ran for President again and became the first National President to hold the office for more than two consecutive years. He is proud that he was able to establish better rapport with officials at many college campuses where our chapters reside in his extended time in office. As Brother Carroll ends his fourth year of office as of the writing of this book, he is ready to devote more time to his legal practice in the Philadelphia area. He also vows to continue to be active in the Fraternity as he assumes a position as a Trustee on the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation.
Richard C. Barnes
Beta Chi Chapter
46th National President (2002-2003)
Richard C. Barnes was born in 1971 and raised in Schenectady, N.Y. Rick initially attended college at Norwich University in Vermont, a militaryoriented school. He left after only one year and went back to school the following year at Schenectady Community College where he completed his A.S. in Computer Science. He then transferred to SUNY Utica where he was fortunate enough to be placed as a roommate with two Alpha Phi Delta brothers. Being 50% Italian, he felt a strong affinity to the organization before he even wore a pledge pin. After learning more about Alpha Phi Delta, he pledged and was inducted into the Fraternity in April 1993. He went on to serve the chapter as its Corresponding Secretary and Assistant Pledgemaster. Rick graduated with a B.S. in Computer Engineering Technology in December of 1994. At Utica, he met his future wife Shannon, who was a member of a local sorority. After they were married in 1997, Shannon encouraged Rick to become more involved with the Fraternity. After moving to Connecticut, he decided he wanted to do more with the Fraternity on a national level and was appointed as Vice President for Expansion. With the help of other National officers, they began one of the largest expansion efforts in the history of the Fraternity. After serving Expansion for a year and a half, he was elected as Executive Vice President in 2000 and National President in 2002. Barnes and his family later moved to New Hampshire, where continues his fraternal activity as a member of the Merrimack Valley Alumni Club. His son Noah was initiated into our Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Fitchburg State University in 2022.
Manuel Rodriguez
Gamma Sigma Chapter
47th National President (2003-2004)
Born on September 28, 1974, Manuel Rodriguez was inducted into the Gamma Sigma Chapter at St. John’s University (Staten Island Campus) in 1994. He served as New York City District Governor from 2000 to 2002 when he was elected National Vice President. When National President Richard Barnes resigned in January 2004, Manuel assumed the presidency early. He was elected as National President at the 2004 National Council meeting. But he himself was forced to resign to end his term early as he was called into service in December 2004 and deployed to Iraq. As National President he saw to it that the complete funding of The Kleos would be the responsibility of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation forging a strong and lasting partnership between the Fraternity and the Foundation. In 2005, at the National Convention, Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Rodriguez was honored as Outstanding Alumnus.
Evan Sottosanti
Beta Eta Chapter
48th National President (2005-2007)
Evan Sottosanti joined Alpha Phi Delta in 1988 at Beta Eta chapter as an undergraduate at Brooklyn College. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Finance with a minor in Sociology. He went on to earn a Master’s degree in Business Administration in Information Systems from Pace University. Brother Sottosanti was actively involved with Alpha Phi Delta nationally as an undergraduate and served in official positions as a young alumnus. At Beta Eta, he was Social Chairman in 1989 and Chapter President in 1990. He was also Vice President of Brooklyn College’s Inter-Greek Council (1990- 1991). As an alumnus, he has held the following National offices: Brooklyn/ Staten Island District Governor from 1992-1996 and Vice President for Alumni Affairs from 1995-1997. He has been Vice President for Expansion since 2000, and he has worked with several expansion projects in New England, the Midwest and Colorado. He was elected National Vice President in 2004 and served as National President upon the forced resignation of National President Manuel Rodriguez, who was deployed to Iraq. Brother Sottosanti was elected in his own right in 2005. During his tenure, he guided Alpha Phi Delta through perhaps its most difficult of times. Faced with fiscal disarray, unfunded insurance costs, and financial improprieties, He stepped in to the fray and took decisive action. He removed the paid Secretary and then moved Central Office to Ohio and back into the capable volunteer hands of Brother Danny Thomas, Jr. Bitterly challenged for his actions, he ultimately took a near bankrupt fraternity and put it on solid footing. In 2010 he was honored as Outstanding Alumnus. His the long-time chairman of the National Council's Legislative Committee.
Douglas Sundo
Psi Chapter
49th National President (2007-2009)
Born on February 10, 1956, Douglas Sundo was inducted into Psi Chapter at Duquesne University in 1975. As an alumnus he has been very active with the Pittsburgh Alumni Club. He was elected to serve as Western Pennsylvania District Governor in 2001; he served continuously in that position until 2006. In 2006, Brother Sundo was elected as National Vice President. In 2007, he was elected as our 49th National President. During his tenure the position of National Historian was re-established, and new editions of The Dokime and Ecce Signum were introduced. Also during his tenure attendance at the National Council meeting and the National Convention increased. As a reward for all of his years of service and his good work as National President, Brother Sundo presented with the Fraternity’s Outstanding Alumnus Award in 2010. He continues to be active, especially in his work with Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, and is a regular at National Conventions.
Robert DeVito
Beta Omega Chapter
50th National President (2009-2011)
Robert DeVito was born in Brooklyn, New York, on December 21, 1966, but had the misfortune of having both parents die by the time he was four. He was raised on Long Island by his paternal grandmother, until her passing, after which he ultimately lived with the family of a close friend until entering college. That friend, ironically, also became a brother of Alpha Phi Delta, and a co-founder of Gamma Iota Chapter. DeVito was initiated into one of the Founding classes of Gamma Iota on his birthday in 1985. Gamma Iota Chapter (Pace University) was chartered in 1987, at the outset of the great 1980s expansion boom. Brother DeVito went on to become Chapter Vice President, President, and Greek Council President. After graduation, he served as Assistant Governor for a time, and in Central Office in a University Relations role. Brother DeVito became governor of the Hudson Valley District in fall of 1992, and served through 2000. In 2003, Brother DeVito answered the call to once again become Hudson Valley Governor. He served for another four years as governor. On National Council, Brother DeVito led the charge for a number of sweeping financial and organizational reforms. He was elected National Vice President in 2007, at which point he launched an information technology initiative to register, track and prove risk compliance of pledges “on-line”. This new level of transparency also radically changed the National Fraternity’s visibility into local recruitment, ensuring that all officers support chapters on a timely basis. Brother DeVito was elected National President in 2009, and launched a program of strengthening infrastructure of our Districts. He did this by mandating that all districts hold a minimum number of meetings per year, increase entity interaction, and have a timely District Convention. Assisted by National Vice President Nicholas Franki, these goals were all achieved. His administration also jump started an Expansion program that had languished for some time. Supported by then New York City District Governor Christopher Mancusi and Past National President Joseph Rahtelli as Expansion leaders, many colonies were launched and chartered in the subsequent years. Brother DeVito is a veteran Software Architect and IT Executive. He is Founder and Senior Partner of a successful IT Software and Services firm that has served companies such as PepsiCo, JP Morgan, Regeneron and Aramark. Rob has also served on the boards of several technology startups. Rob lives in Westchester County, New York with his wife Beth, and children Alex and Olivia.
Nicholas M. Franki
Gamma Lambda Chapter
51st National President (2011-2014)
Nicholas M. Franki was initiated into the Gamma Lambda chapter at Fordham University – Lincoln Center on November 29, 1987. A member of the Second Pledge Class, he went on to be the chapter Secretary and Vice-President. As President, Gamma Lambda won the National Outstanding Chapter Award in 1990. Brother Franki followed his brother Alexander Franki into the New York Alumni Club and served as its President for 13 years ((1998-2011), during which time the New York Alumni Club won the Outstanding Alumni Club Award six times. Nationally, in Brother Franki’s early fraternal career, he was Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs and New York City Central District Governor (1991-1992). He was appointed Vice- President for Member Education in 2007, and served in that role until 2013. He served as National Vice President 2010-11 and National President 2011- 2013. After being a three-term National President, Brother Franki moved on to serving the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation side; he served as a Trustee and as Vice Chairman of the Scholarship Division. Brother Franki has been employed in the financial services industry in multiple capacities for many years. He has held executive positions in compliance, operations and is currently a senior fiduciary executive with a major bank. A native Brooklynite, Brother Franki is blessed to have a wonderfully supportive wife Angela, and three children, Olivia, Nicholas and Anthony, whom he cherishes. “By building your life in service to others, you build a life of significance. The more you help others, the more you indirectly help yourself.” – is a constant quote of Brother Franki’s during a speech at a “Brotherhood for Life” program (part of the Fraternity’s member education program. “It’s something I firmly believe in. I’ve been blessed with a certain leadership skill set that I owe to Alpha Phi Delta. I’ve learned what it means to be a leader in my business, family and community life because of Alpha Phi Delta. We are the largest all-volunteer national fraternity, and by our brothers giving selflessly of themselves towards our fraternity’s betterment, we indirectly gown our own personal leadership quotient. It’s not via entitlement that we grow, but by empowerment that we thrive. If I could give advice to our undergrads, it would be to distinguish yourself as a leader of men early on… and you will reap those rewards the rest of your life.” Brother Franki is thrilled to continue to be of service to the Fraternity via the Scholarship Division. “I’m honored to be able to continue to provide value and look forward to driving donations to the Foundation. Through growing our Scholarship, Leadership and Kleos funds, Alpha Phi Delta’s second century founding fathers will have more opportunities to be leaders in their fraternal, personal and professional lives. Faciamus!” In 2022, Brother Franki became the Chairman of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation's Scholarship Division.
Christopher A. Mancusi
Gamma Sigma Chapter
52nd National President (2014-2016)
Christopher A. Mancusi born on June 11, 1983. He was a member of a five-man pledge class that reactivated the dormant Gamma Sigma chapter at St. John’s University, Staten Island, New York in 2002. As an undergraduate, he served as Chapter Chaplain (twice), Treasurer and Pledgemaster. In 2004, he was elected Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs and was recognized as Outstanding Undergraduate. Following his graduation from St. John’s in 2005, he was immediately elected as the New York City District Governor. He inherited a struggling district with three chapters with less than five men. Through hard work and collaboration amongst undergraduate and alumni leaders the district rebounded. In 2007, the district reached the pinnacle by winning all seven national awards that were awarded at that year’s National Convention. In 2006, National President Evan Sottosanti called upon Brother Mancusi to double-duty and fill a vacancy as Expansion Chairman. During his tenure, the following Chapter reactivations occurred: Delta Omicron (Rutgers University – Newark campus), Beta Lambda (St. Francis University), Delta Epsilon (John Jay College), Delta Beta (Rutgers University - New Brunswick campus), Beta Beta (Manhattan College), Gamma Xi (Southern Connecticut State University), and Delta Nu (Eastern Connecticut State University). These reactivations marked the beginning of what would be become a major expansion boom in the succeeding decade. In 2011, after holding the post of New York City District Governor for seven years, Chris was elected National Vice-President. His tenure as National Vice-President was highlighted by his extensive travel throughout the APD world. On his visits, he often borrowed the famous phrase from Past National Presidents Stanley W. Raffa and Albert E. Palazzo who said on their visitations: “I’m National, what can I do for you?” After serving three years as National Vice-President, he was elected as the 52nd National President in 2014. During the Centennial Convention, President Mancusi had the honor to present a certificate of reactivation to both Theta Beta Chapter (New York University) and Mu Chapter (Cornell University). He served two terms as National President, through 2016. Following his term as President, Brother Mancusi stepped back into the thick of Fraternity activity again, taking the reins of the District Governorship of the New York City South District. Professionally, Chris is a middle school history teacher in Staten Island, New York. He received his Master’s degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from Touro College. He credits Past National President Dr. Santo Barbarino, a role model of his in the fraternity, for ensuring that as a young man he received his Master’s degree. He has been coaching high school Cross Country and Track and Field at his alma mater, St. Joseph by-the-Sea High School in Staten Island, New York. In 2019, he was a leading force in the chartering of the Staten Island Alumni Club and in 2021 he took on the challenge of becoming Governor of the Upstate New York District.
Jim Miller
Psi Chapter
53rd National President (2016-2018)
Jim Miller was born in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. He was selected to attend Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College on a full Band Scholarship. Upon graduation he matriculated to Duquesne University to major in Music Education. He was initiated into our Psi Chapter (Duquesne) on November 7, 1972. After several years as a freelance musician and a sales representative, he chose to attend West Virginia University to attain a Masters in Music Performance. While at West Virginia University he lived in our Pi Chapter House. In 2009, Brother Miller became the District Governor of the Midwest District; he went to serve five terms. The District received recognition as Outstanding District twice and hosted two National Council Meetings. He acted as Project Manager for the reactivation of Delta Upsilon (Robert Morris University) in 2014. Brother Miller was elected as National Vice President in February of 2014. In 2016, he received the honor of being elected National President, serving two terms (until 2018). During his presidency he visited many chapters. Jim Miller married Joylyn Aubel in June of 1980 and has two daughters, Saralyn and Jameyan, a son-in-law, Walter, and a grandson, James. He resides in Greenville, Pennsylvania and is an active member of the Pittsburgh Alumni Club, the Youngstown Alumni Club and the Beta Rho Alumni Group. Brother Miller was named Outstanding Alumnus of the National Fraternity in 2022.
Todd J. Cusato
Beta Sigma Chapter
54th National President (2018-2020)
Todd J. Cusato was born December 14, 1977. He pledged the Beta Sigma Chapter at St Francis College and was inducted on April 19, 1997 as a member of the chapters seventy-sixth pledge group. During his undergraduate years, Todd served as chapter Treasurer, Vice-President and President. He was elected Vice-President of Undergraduate Affairs in 1999 and awarded the Fraternity’s Outstanding Undergraduate Award in 1999 and, again, in 2000. He graduated in 2000 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. After graduation, he was appointed alumni expansion consultant and also elected Assistant District Governor for New York City. He was then elected New York City District Governor in 2002-2005. He also served as Vice President for Financial Affairs from 2004-2007. Todd was elected and served as Vice President for Alumni Affairs from 2008-2011. He was honored as the Long Island Alumni Club’s “Man of the Year” in 2010 and as New York City’s Outstanding Alumnus in 2012. In 2013, he was elected for a second time as a District Governor, serving the New York City East District. In 2016, Brother Cusato was elected as National Vice President, and then in 2018 was honored by being elected National President. He served two terms in each of those two positions. As an alumnus Brother Cusato has held positions in the New York, Long Island, and Brooklyn Alumni Clubs as well as the Beta Sigma Alumni Association. Through the New York Alumni Club and Beta Sigma Alumni Association he helped organize and run multiple fundraisers to help raise money for the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. On November 11, 2012 he married the former Vanessa Fontana and they currently reside in Staten Island, New York. Todd currently works as a claims manager for Allstate Insurance. He is also active in his local Kiwanis Club, Sons of Italy lodge and fundraising committee member for the Deborah Hospital Foundation.