Our Chapters

Lineage of Undergraduate Chapters of Alpha Phi Delta

Listed below are Alpha Phi Delta's chapters beginning with Alpha in 1914. A Chapter being listed here does not indicate that that Chapter is currently active nor if it is (or was) formally affiliated with the college its members attended. Instead, this listing is presented for historical purposes. Each listing indicates a Chapter in terms of (1) the Chapter's name, (2) the name of the school the Chapter's members attended, (3) in what city and state the Chapter was established, (4) the Chapter's chartering date, and (5) an image the represents that Chapter.


Syracuse University

Syracuse, New York

Chartered: 11/5/1914

Image:  Alpha Founders


Columbia University

New York, New York

Chartered: 6/1/1916

Image: Beta Founders


Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut

Chartered: 3/15/1919

Image: Yale, circa 1920


Polytechnic University

(formerly Polytechnic Inst. of N.Y.)

Brooklyn, New York

Chartered: 4/30/1920

Image: Delta Chapter, 1920-21


S.U.N.Y. University of Buffalo

Buffalo, New York

Chartered: 3/1/1921

Image: Epsilon Chapter officers 1966


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, New York

Chartered: 3/21/1921

Image: Zeta Chapter house 1927


C.U.N.Y. City College of New York

New York, New York

Chartered: 6/18/1921

Image: Eta Chapter brothers 1927


New York University

The Bronx, New York

Chartered: 12/10/1921

Image: Theta Chapter brothers 1935


Union College

Schenectady, New York

Chartered: 12/11/1921

Image:  Union College 1920s


Case Western Reserve University

Cleveland, Ohio

Chartered: 11/1/1922

Image:  Kappe Chapter brothers 1926


University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 11/4/1922

Image:  Lambda Chapter brothers 1925


Cornell University

Ithaca, New York

Chartered: 12/22/1922

Image:  Mu Chapter 2013


University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 2/4/1923

Image:  Nu Chapter brothers 1943


Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio

Chartered: 4/8/1923

Image: Xi Chapter house 1930


University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Chartered: 6/18/1923

Image:  Univ. of Michigan 1920s


West Virginia University

Morgantown, West Virginia

Chartered: 12/22/1923

Image: Pi composite 1927


Carnegie Mellon University

(formerly Carnegie Mellon Institute

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 2/6/1926

Image: Carnegie Mellon 1920s


Boston University

Boston, Massachusetts

Chartered: 2/12/1927

Image:  Sigma Chapter Charter


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Chartered: 12/1/1928

Image:  M.I.T. campus 1920 (postcard)


Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Chartered: 12/1/1928

Image: Harvard campus 1950s


University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Chartered: 2/23/1929

Image: Phi Chapter brother 1932


Pennsylvania State University

State College, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 3/1/1929

Image: Chi Chapter founders 1929


Duquesne University

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 3/17/1929

Image:  Psi Chapter  founders 1929


University of Rochester

Rochester, New York

Chartered: 3/1/1929

Image: Omega Chapter brothers 1950


Beta Beta

Manhattan College

Riverdale, New York

Chartered: 12/28/1929

Image:  Beta Beta founders 1929

Beta Gamma

College of William and Mary

Williamsburg, Virginia

Chartered: 2/21/1930

Image:  College of Wm. & Mary c.1930

Beta Delta

Temple University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 3/21/1930

Image:  Beta Delta brothers 1932

Theta Beta

New York University

New York City, New York

Chartered: 9/3/1930

Image:  Theta Beta founders 1930

Beta Epsilon

Bucknell University

Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 11/22/1930

Image: Beta Epsilon brothers 1931

Beta Zeta

University of Ohio

Athens, Ohio

Chartered: 5/6/1933

Image: Beta Zeta brothers 1943

Beta Eta

C.U.N.Y. Brooklyn College

Brooklyn, New York

Chartered: 12/29/1934

Image:  Beta Eta charter (1934)

Beta Theta

Franciscan University of Steubenville

(formerly College of Steubenville)

Steubenville, Ohio

Chartered: 7/12/1948

Image: Beta Theta founders 1948

Beta Iota

Utica University

(formerly Utica College of Syracuse U.)

Utica, New York

Chartered: 4/7/1949

Image: Beta Iota founders 1949

Beta Kappa

Long Island University

Brooklyn, New York

Chartered: 5/9/1949

Image:  Beta Kappa founders 1949

Beta Lambda

St. Francis University

(formerly St. Francis College)

Loretto, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 11/1/1949

Image: Beta Lambda Thanksgiving 1959

Beta Mu

DePaul University

Chicago, Illinois

Chartered: 10/18/1950

Image: Beta Mu founders 1950

Beta Nu

University of Miami

Carol Gables, Florida

Chartered: 12/4/1950

Image: Beta Nu founders 1950

Beta Xi

New Jersey Institute of Technology

(formerly Newark College of Engineering)

Newark, New Jersey

Chartered: 3/29/1952

Image:  Beta Xi founders

Beta Omicron

Youngstown State University

Youngstown, Ohio

Chartered: 3/1/1953

Image:  Beta Omicron w/snowman 1964

Beta Pi

St. John's University

Queens, New York

Chartered: 6/5/1959

Image:  Beta Pi founders 1959

Beta Rho

Gannon University

(formerly Gannon College)

Erie, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 11/8/1959

Image:  Beta Rho founders 1959

Beta Sigma

St. Francis College

Brooklyn, New York

Chartered: 3/24/1962

Image:  Beta Sigma founders 1962

Beta Tau

Fairmont State University

Fairmont, West Virginia

Chartered: 3/24/1973

Image:  Beta Tau founders 1971

Beta Upsilon

George Washington University

Washington, D.C.

Chartered: 8/23/1977

Image: Geo. Washington Univ. 1970s

Beta Phi

Rowan University

(formerly Glassboro State College)

Glassboro, New Jersey

Chartered: 8/22/1978

Image: Beta Phi reactivatiion 2017

Beta Chi

S.U.N.Y. College of Technology at Utica/Rome

Utica, New York

Chartered: 8/22/1978

Image:  Beta Chi 1986

Beta Psi

Catholic University of America

Washington, D.C.

Chartered: 8/21/1979

Image: Beta Psi founders 1979

Beta Omega

Pace University

(City Campus)

New York City, New York

Chartered: 8/21/1979

Image: Pace University 1979


Gamma Beta

University of Illinois at Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

Chartered: 8/21/1979

Image: U. Illinois at Chicago campus

Gamma Gamma

Penn State Erie - Behrend College

Erie, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 8/19/1980

Image: Behrend College entrance

Gamma Delta

Waynesburg University

(formerly Waynesburg College)

Waynesburg, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 8/19/1980

Image: Gamma Delta brothers 1987

Gamma Epsilon

Cleveland State University

Cleveland, Ohio

Chartered: 8/17/1981

Image: Gamma Epsilon brothers 1981

Gamma Zeta

Villanova University

Villanova, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 8/16/1982

Image: Gamma Zeta brothers 1991

Gamma Eta

College of New Jersey

(formerly Trenton State College)

Ewing Township, New Jersey

Chartered: 8/24/1984

Image: Gamma Eta brothers 1987

Gamma Theta

Eastern University

(formerly Eastern Bible College)

St. David’s, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 8/20/1985

Image:  Gama Theta brothers 1988

Gamma Iota

Pace University

(Pleasantville Campus)

Pleasantville, New York

Chartered: 2/27/1987

Image: Gamma Iota founders

Gamma Kappa

C.U.N.Y. College of Staten Island

Staten Island, New York

Chartered: 2/27/1987

Image: Gamma Kappa founders

Gamma Lambda

Fordham University

(Lincoln Center Campus)

New York City, New York

Chartered: 2/27/1987

Image: Gamma Lambda brothers 1989

Gamma Mu

Stockton University

(formerly Richard Stockton College)

Galloway, New Jersey

Chartered: 2/27/1987

Image: Gamma Mu brothers 1992

Gamma Nu

William Paterson University

(formerly William Paterson College)

Wayne, New Jersey

Chartered: 8/22/1987

Image: Gamma Nu brothers 1995

Gamma Xi

Southern Connecticut State University

New Haven, Connecticut

Chartered: 8/22/1987

Image: Gamma Xi brothers 2014

Gamma Omicron

S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, New York

Chartered: 8/22/1987

Image: Gamma Omicron 2001

Gamma Pi

Ramapo College of New Jersey

(formerly Ramapo State College)

Mahwah, New Jersey

Chartered: 8/22/1989

Image: Gamma Pi brothers 1993

Gamma Rho

C.U.N.Y. Bernard M. Baruch College

New York City, New York

Chartered: 8/22/1989

Image: Gamma Rho brothers 2001

Gamma Sigma

St. John's University

(Staten Island Campus)

Staten Island, New York

Chartered: 8/22/1989

Image: Gamma Sigma brothers 1992

Gamma Tau

Neumann University

(formerly Neumann College)

Aston, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 8/22/1989

Image:  Neumann campus entrance

Gamma Upsilon

Fordham University

(Rosehill Campus)

The Bronx, New York

Chartered: 2/16/1990

Image: Fordham campus

Gamma Phi

New York Institute of Technology 

(Old Westbury Campus)

Westbury, New York

Chartered: 8/20/1990

Image:  Gamma Phi reactivation 2018

Gamma Chi

Delaware State University

(formerly Delaware State College)

Dover, Delaware

Chartered: 2/16/1991

Image:  Gamma Chi brothers 1993

Gamma Psi

University of Connecticut

Storrs, Connecticut

Chartered: 2/16/1991

Image:  U. Conn. campus

Gamma Omega

University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia

Chartered: 2/16/1991

Image:  Gamma Omega brothers 1991


Delta Beta

Rutgers University

(Main Campus - New Brunswick)

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Chartered: 8/29/1991

Image:  Delta Beta founders 1991

Delta Gamma

Philadelphia University

(formerly The Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 8/29/1991

Image:  Historical marker at PCT&S

Delta Delta

Wesley College

(College closed in 2021)

Dover, Delaware

Chartered: 8/29/1991

Image:  Delta Delta founders 1991

Delta Epsilon

C.U.N.Y. John Jay College 

of Criminal Justice

New York City, New York

Chartered: 2/14/1992

Image:  Delta Epsilon reactivation 2012

Delta Zeta

St. Peter's University

(formerly St. Peter's College)

Jersey City, New Jersey

Chartered: 2/14/1992

Image:  Delta Zeta founders 1991

Delta Eta

Adelphi University

Garden City, New York

Chartered: 2/14/1992

Image:  Adelphi entrance

Delta Theta

Mid-Hudson Region

(formerly affiliated to Marist College)

Poughkeepsie, New York

Chartered: 2/14/1992

Image:  Delta Theta brothers 2007

Delta Iota

King’s College

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 8/22/1992

Image:  Kings College campus

Delta Kappa

S.U.N.Y. Binghamton University

Binghamton, New York

Chartered: 8/22/1992

Image:  Delta Kappa founders 1991

Delta Lambda

New York Institute of Technology

(City Campus)

New York City, New York

Chartered: 2/13/1993

Image:  NYIT Campus in Manhattan

Delta Mu

University of South Florida

Tampa, Florida

Chartered: 2/13/1993

Image: Delta Mu founders 1992

Delta Nu

Eastern Connecticut State University

Willimantic, Connecticut

Chartered: 8/18/1993

Image:  Delta Nu reactivation 2010

Delta Xi

Seton Hall University

South Orange, New Jersey

Chartered: 8/18/1993

Image:  Delta Xi founders 1992

Delta Omicron

Rutgers University

(Newark Campus)

Newark, New Jersey

Chartered: 2/14/1994

Image: Rutgers entranceway

Delta Pi

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Daytona, Florida

Chartered: 2/14/1994

Image: Delta Brothers 1995

Delta Rho

S.U.N.Y. College at Oneonta

Oneonta, New York

Chartered: 8/20/1996

Image: Delta Rho reactivation 2010

Delta Sigma

Tufts University

Medford, MA

Chartered: 8/5/1997

Image: Delta Sigma brothers 2000

Delta Tau

Roger Williams University

Bristol, Rhode Island

Chartered: 4/10/1999

Image:  Roger Williams entrace

Delta Upsilon

Robert Morris University

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 4/10/1999

Image: Delta Upsilon reactivation 2013

Delta Phi

University of Indianapolis

Indianapolis, Indiana

Chartered: 4/6/2002

Image:  U. Indianapolis entrance

Delta Chi

University of Colorado

Boulder, Colorado

Chartered: 4/5/2003

Image:  Delta Chi founders 2001

Delta Psi

Lynn University

Boca Raton, Florida

Chartered: 4/5/2003

Image: Delta Chi founders 2002

Delta Omega

University of Northern Colorado

Greely, Colorado

Chartered: 3/29/2004

Image: Delta Omega at chartering 2004


Epsilon Beta

LaSalle University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 4/2/2005

Image:  Epsilon Beta founders 2005

Epsilon Gamma

St. Joseph’s College

(Patchogue Campus)

Patchogue, New York

Chartered: 2/16/2013

Image: Epsilon Gamma founders 2012

Epsilon Delta

Montclair State University

Montclair, New Jersey

Chartered: 2/21/2014

Image:  Epsilon Delta brothers 2016

Epsilon Epsilon

Farmingdale State College

Farmingdale, New York

Chartered: 2/28/2015

Image:  Epsilon Epsilon founders

Epsilon Zeta

St. Joseph College

(Brooklyn Campus)

Brooklyn, New York

Chartered: 8/14/2015

Image: Epsilon Zeta at chartering 2015

Epsilon Eta

S.U.N.Y. at Albany

Albany, New York

Chartered: 2/27/2016

Image: Epsilon Eta at chartering 2016

Epsilon Theta

Misericordia University

Dallas, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 2/27/2016

Image: Epsilon Theta brothers 2018

Epsilon Iota

Centenary University

(formerly Centenary College)

Hackettstown, New Jersey

Chartered: 2/27/2017

Image:  Epailon Iota founders 2016

Epsilon Kappa

Dowling College

(College closed in 2016)

Oakdale, New York

Chartered: 2/27/2016

Image: Epsilon Kappa at chartering 2016

Epsilon Lambda

University of New Haven

West Haven, Connecticut

Chartered: 2/18/2017

Image: Epsilon Lambda founders 2016

Epsilon Mu

C.U.N.Y. Queens College

Flushing, New York

Chartered: 2/24/2018

Image: Epsilon Mu founders 2017

Epsilon Nu

Penn State - Altoona

Altoona, Pennsylvania

Chartered: 2/24/2018

Image: Epsilon Nu at chartering 2018

Epsilon Xi

Vaughn College

of Aeronautics and Technology

East Elmhurst, New York

Chartered: 2/24/2018

Image:  Epsilon Xi at chartering 2018

Epsilon Omicron

Fitchburg State University

Fitchburg, Massachusetts

Chartered:  2/29/2020

Image: Epsilon Omicron at chartering 

Epsilon Pi

S.U.N.Y. College at Cortland

Cortland, New York

Chartered:  2/29/2020

Image:  Epsilon Pi at chartering 2020

Epsilon Rho

Kipps Bay Region

New York, New York

Chartered:  9/20/2020

Image: Epsilon Rho brothers 2020

Epsilon Sigma

S.U.N.Y. College at New Paltz

New Paltz, New York

Chartered: 3/5/2022

Image: Epsilon Sigma founders

Epsilon Tau

future expansion

Epsilon Upsilon

future expansion

Epsilon Phi

future expansion