Our Committee System

The Committee System

To help the National Council conduct its business, it has set in place a system made up of the following committees: 

Committees established by our Constitution and Bylaws

About Committees

The above list represents standing committees of the National Fraternity, however, from time to time the President of the National Fraternity may choose to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee with a specific purpose and term of existence. For instance our Centennial Committee was an Ad Hoc Committee created in 2011, and expired on November 5, 2014 (our Centennial).

There are also some committees that by custom or basis have the permanence of a Constitutionally-based standing committee, but are not, strictly speaking, referenced in the Committee section of our Constitution and Bylaws. Two current examples of these types of committees are:

National Council Coordinating Committee (this committee coordinates the planning of the National Council meeting with the President and Central Office)

Convention Committee (this committee coordinates and plans the annual National Convention and oversees its finances, operations and subcommittees)

Committee Appointments and Chairmanships

As noted, some committees have a Constitutional Chairman (e.g., the Expansion Committee is chaired by the Vice President for Expansion); some have an elected chairman (i.e., the Undergraduate Coordinating Committee and Alumni Coordinating Committee Chairmen are elected); and all other committee chairmen are appointed by the National President. The National President is an ex officio member of all Committees. The Ritual, Legislative, Resolutions, and Budget & Audit Committees have all members appointed by the National President.