Our National News

National Council Approve Fee Increases for 2024-25

With the prospect of increased insurance costs, and rising operational expenses the National Council gave its unanimous consent to a budget with across-the-board fee increases. 

As per the budget adopted for fiscal year 2024-2025, the following is our fee schedule for the new fraternal year: 

All assessment and fee increases will take effect after July 1, 2024.

Updated History Book Available

The National Historian in conjunction with Central Office and the National Archives has revised The History of Alpha Phi Delta 1914-2020. The revised version, entitled The History of Alpha Phi Delta 1914-2023, covers the life of our Fraternity up through and including 2023 (including summations of events and the Council meeting).

The revised History of Alpha Phi Delta 1914-2023 is available online for purchase at this link

Brother Ronald Smé, our National Historian, and author of this wonderful book, has updated in great details the years since 2020. He has updated and added biographies (which are located on the side bars of the pages) throughout the entirety of the book. 

The History of Alpha Phi Delta 1914-2023 is available to one and all. It is produced in four distinct formats: 6 x 9 paperback, full-sized softcover, full-sized coil bound, and full-sized deluxe hardcover at prices ranging from $25 to $60.

Dr. A. U. N. Camera Scholarship Pin Revived

Dr. A. U. N. Camera Scholarship Pin, named after a beloved alumnus and department chairman at Brooklyn College in the 1930s, has been restored and revised for 2024.

The Dr. A.U.N. Camera Scholarship Pin is given to the member of each chapter with

the highest cumulative G.P.A. There are three requirements that a recipient must meet:

Chapter Presidents will be asked to submit their Chapter's Dr. A.U.N. Camera Scholarship Award designee in the early fall semester of 2024. Pins will be distributed by District Governors to the winners during the semester.