Alpha Phi Delta's
Twelve Days of Christmas
Day Six
Key events of Alpha Phi Delta that have occurred during the 12 days of Christmas
The founders of our Beta Beta Chapter (Manhattan College) founded in 1929 during the 12 days of Christmas -- on December 28
On December 30, 1980 Alpha Phi Delta lost its last remaining founding member, Anthony T. Frascati (Alpha '14).
Our 27th National President Francis Paladino (Phi '29) -- seen here in his college years -- was born January 1, 1908.
Events in Alpha Phi Delta History during the 12 Days of Christmas
December 25:
Birthday of 9th Grand Consul Dr. Charles J. Barone (Nu '23) on this day in 1890; he served from 1927-29; and was deceased on this same day -- December 25, 1963.
December 27-29:
The 6th National Convention is held at the Hotel Statler in Buffalo, New York in 1923.
The 7th National Convention is held at the Hotel Statler in Cleveland, Ohio in 1924.
December 28:
Anniversary of the Chartering of Beta Beta Chapter at Manhattan College, 1929, which still remains active.
December 28-30:
The 8th National Convention is held at the Hotel Biltmore in New York City, New York in 1925.
December 29:
Anniversary of the Chartering of Beta Eta Chapter, Brooklyn College, 1934, which remained active until 2023.
Birthday of 5th Grand Consul Joseph V. Petrelli, Jr. (Theta '21) on this day in 1900; served 1923-24; deceased on February 18, 1981.
December 30:
Our last living Founder, Anthony T. Frascati (Alpha '14) dies in 1980, after some 66 years of faithful brotherhood.
December 30-January 1:
The 9th National Convention is held at the Hotel Syracuse in Syracuse, New York in 1926-27.
January 1:
Birthday of 3rd Grand Consul Hon. Joseph V. Santangelo (Beta '21) on this day in 1897; served 1921-22; deceased on April 4, 1984 at the age of 87.
Birthday of 27th National President Francis Paladino (Phi '29) on this day in 1908; served 1964-66; deceased on August 13, 1985 at the age of 77. He is the only national officer ever to come from Phi Chapter.